
Python/Twisted library for interacting with local messages from the OWL Intuition home energy monitor.

LGPL-3.0 License



Python/Twisted library for receiving multicast UDP (local) messages from the Network Owl (OWL Intution) home energy monitor.

This library does not interface with the Owl Intuition website, and requires that it be run on the same LAN segment as the Network Owl. It has been tested primarily with the OWL Intuition-lc.

Copyright 2013-2014 Michael Farrell. Licensed under the GNU LGPL3+. For more details see COPYING and COPYING.LESSER.


  • Python 2.7 (2.6 should also work)
  • Twisted
  • lxml

protocol support

This only supports receiving information from a Network Owl over multicast UDP.

It supports the following packet types:

  • Electricity usage monitoring (not solar)
  • Heating (on v2.2 and older firmware)

Other packet types are unsupported and ignored, but patches to implement it are welcome.

some batteries

You can use the intuition.rrd module to graph electricity usage information with rrdtool.


$ cd src
$ nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=intuition