
Collect, plot and analyse sensor readings from your IoT devices with OpenFaaS

MIT License


Deploy OpenFaaS on Swarm

Follow the guide:

Deploy InfluxDB and Grafana

docker stack deploy monitor -c docker-compose.yml

Create initial database

curl -XPOST "" \
--data-urlencode "q=CREATE DATABASE iot_environment"

Create a Python3 function

Replace alexellis2 with your name on the Docker Hub.

faas-cli new --lang python3 accept-sample --prefix=alexellis2

Now edit accept-sample/requirements.txt:


Edit accept-sample.yml and add the environmental variables:

       influx_host: influxdb
       influx_port: 8086
       influx_db: iot_environment

Now create secure secrets for your username/password for InfluxDB:

echo -n root | docker secret create influx-user -
echo -n root | docker secret create influx-pass -

Add a section under the function for the secrets:

       - influx-user
       - influx-pass

Create the handler:

Copy the example from the GitHub repo.

Build/push/deploy the function

You'll need a Docker Hub account for this step.

faas-cli build -f accept-sample.yml && \
faas-cli push -f accept-sample.yml && \
faas-cli deploy -f accept-sample.yml --network=func_functions && \
docker service update accept-sample  --network-add=monitor_monitoring

# Update the function to access the monitoring services

Send a fake sensor reading

echo -n '
{ "sensor": "s1",
  "temp": "30.4",
  "humidity": "54.2"
' | curl -i -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data-binary @- 

Create the dashboard

Now you can set up the data-source for InfluxDB in Grafana.

Navigate to the Grafana interface at:, use admin/admin to log in and create your new password.

Import the data-source for InfluxDB:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X POST http://admin:[email protected]:3000/api/datasources --data-binary '
  "id": 1,
  "orgId": 1,
  "name": "influx",
  "type": "influxdb",
  "typeLogoUrl": "public/app/plugins/datasource/influxdb/img/influxdb_logo.svg",
  "access": "proxy",
  "url": "http://influx:8086",
  "password": "root",
  "user": "root",
  "database": "iot_environment",
  "basicAuth": false,
  "isDefault": false,
  "jsonData": {
    "keepCookies": []
  "readOnly": false

Now create the dashboard:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X POST http://admin:[email protected]:3000/api/dashboards/db --data-binary @./dashboard.json

Set up the MQTT broker

You can now set up the MQTT broker to start forwarding sensor readings from the MQTT topic to OpenFaaS. OpenFaaS will call into InfluxDB to store the readings.

Follow the instructions in the mqtt-broker folder.

You can then view the readings using the Grafana dashboard we created above.