Promise-like data encapsulation aimed at asynchronous behavior

MIT License



Promise-like data encapsulation aimed at asynchronous behavior


Very simply put, IOUs give you a way of describing what to do with data while allowing you to think about when the data will be available secondarily. An IOU is simply a wrapper for a peice of data that will be provided in the future saying "when we get this data, do these other things."

Here is an example of setting up data dependency with IOUs:

from __future__ import print_function
from iou import IOU

iou1 = IOU()
iou1.add_fulfilled_handler(lambda x:print("original:", x))
plus_seven_iou = iou1.add_fulfilled_handler(lambda x:x+7)

plus_seven_iou.add_fulfilled_handler(lambda x:print("plus seven:", x))

iou1.fulfill(10) # fulfill the original iou with a value of 10

The output of this would be:

original: 10
plus seven: 17

So, what happened here exactly? We created our intial IOU iou1. This is a wrapper for some value that might be provided in the future. We then use iou1.add_fulfilled_handler to say when iou1 is fulfilled, call the handler function provided with the value the IOU was fulfilled with.

We then call iou.add_fulfilled_handler with a simple lambda that adds 7 to whatever value it's called with. In the first call to iou1.add_fulfilled_handler we didn't do anything with the return value. In the second call though, you'll notice we assign plus_seven_iou with the result of iou1.add_fulfilled_handler. Any time you add a fulfilled handler to an IOU, you receive another IOU that will be fulfilled with the result of that handler. So, plus_seven_iou represents an IOU that will be fulfilled with the value of lambda x:x+7 when called with the value of iou1.

Next, we add a print handler to plus_seven_iou to print it's value.

Finally, we fulfill the original IOU, iou1 with the value 10. By doing this, we cause the entire chain of IOUs to evaluate.

Another way to put it would be like this:

  1. create iou1
  2. make a handler that will print the value iou1 id fulfilled with
  3. make an IOU (plus_seven_iou) that will be fulfilled with the value of iou1 plus 7
  4. make a handler that will print the value plus_seven_iou is fulfilled with
  5. fulfill iou1 with a value of 10, causing the chain of fulfilled handlers to get executed

That was maybe a less useful example. But let's imagine you have code that looks something like:

# Fetch the person object from the server for "ereinecke"
person = person_from_server("ereinecke")

# Push the first and last name for person to UI fields

If person_from_server takes some amount of time, you could end up blocking your UI until you get the result.

What if you made a version of your sever client that made requests on another thread and then fulfilled IOUs for the requests on the main thread:

# IOU-Aware variant of person_from_server
person_iou = iou_for_person_from_server("ereinecke")

# Tell the IOU to set the text fields on completion
    lambda p:first_name_text_field.set_text(p.first_name))
    lambda p:last_name_text_field.set_text(p.last_name))

This allows for the implementation of non-blocking APIs fairly simply. See the iou.httpreactor sub-module for an example of a non-blocking http request API!


Just like IOUs can be fulfilled, they can also be rejected. That is to say, if there is an error in generating the value to fulfill the IOU with, it will be rejected with the appropriate exception. When this happens, none of the fulfilled handlers will be be called, instead the rejected handlers will be called with the exception. Also, the value of the IOU will be set to the exception as well. Rejection handlers can be added similarly to fulfilled handlers, but using add_rejected_handler instead. This method also returns an IOU to be fulfilled with the result of the rejected handler.


There is one special cases in which you'll be given None when using add_fulfilled_handler. This is when the handler is another IOU. In this case, the handler IOU is chained to the IOU you added it to. This means that the chained IOU will be settled with the same result as the IOU it's a handler for.

Here is an example:

from __future__ import print_function
from iou import IOU
iou1 = IOU()
iou2 = IOU()
iou2.add_rejected_handler(lambda e:print("exception:", e))
iou1.reject(Exception("bad stuff happened"))

When this is run, the output would be:

exception: bad stuff happened

Another place where chaining happens is if the handler's result is an IOU, when this happens, the IOU you were given when you registered the handler is chained to the resultant IOU. This is to day, the IOU that was returned by the handler will also fulfill the IOU you got when you registered the handler. This facilitates the then() behavior of other promise systems.

Here is a theorretical example:

con = MyConnectionToServer('')
login_iou = con.login('username', 'password')  # returns an IOU to a session object

# We don't actually use the session object, but want to wait until the connection
# is established before calling user_for_username
user_iou = connection_iou.add_fulfilled_handler(
        lambda _:con.user_for_username('ereinecke'))

# Log the name of the user and delete him
user_iou.add_fulfilled_handler(lambda user:print("I am deleting:",
user_delete_iou = user_iou.add_fulfilled_handler(lambda user:user.delete())

# once the deletion is complete, logout
user_delete_iou.add_fulfilled_handler(lambda _:con.logout())

What happens when you add an IOU as a rejected handler? Weird stuff. I'm open to ideas about what to do here, let me know!

There is much more to the implementation of the IOUs, I hope to document this in the near future.


The httpreactor module within the IOU package provides a proof-of-concept implementation of an API that provides an asynchronous wrapper around the requests module that is IOU aware.

Here is an example of how to use it to fetch

from IOU import httpreactor

# create the reactor to handle HTTP requests and start it up
reactor = httpreactor.IOUHTTPReactor()

# create a request and submit it to the reactor
request = httpreactor.IOUHTTPReactorTask('')
request_result_iou = reactor.submit_task(request)

# When the request completes, log the HTTP status code
request_result_iou.add_fulfilled_handler(lambda x:print(x.status_code))

Note that none of the calls are blocking :)

Project Status

Currently at proof-of-concept stage. The main TODOs are:

  • Finish out documentation
  • Create an IOU that joins to other IOUs?
  • Clarify threaded behavior

To expand more, it could be interesting to have the IOU system able to execute fulfillment/rejection handlers using a thread pool. This way the system could have a mechanisim to somewhat auto-parallelize.


The design of the IOU system was largely influenced by Keith Rarick's blog post Asynchronous Programming in Python.

Thanks also to PIX System, LLC. for encouraging me to chase this effort on company time and supporting sharing to the open source ecosystem.