
%%sql magic for IPython, hopefully evolving into full SQL client

MIT License



:Author: Catherine Devlin, http://catherinedevlin.blogspot.com

Introduces a %sql (or %%sql) magic.

Legacy project

IPython-SQL's functionality and maintenance have been eclipsed by JupySQL_, a fork maintained and developed by the Ploomber team. Future work will be directed into JupySQL - please file issues there, as well!


Connect to a database, using SQLAlchemy URL_ connect strings, then issue SQL commands within IPython or IPython Notebook.

.. image:: https://raw.github.com/catherinedevlin/ipython-sql/master/examples/writers.png :width: 600px :alt: screenshot of ipython-sql in the Notebook


.. code-block:: python

In [1]: %load_ext sql

In [2]: %%sql postgresql://will:longliveliz@localhost/shakes
   ...: select * from character
   ...: where abbrev = 'ALICE'
Out[2]: [(u'Alice', u'Alice', u'ALICE', u'a lady attending on Princess Katherine', 22)]

In [3]: result = _

In [4]: print(result)
charid   charname   abbrev                description                 speechcount
Alice    Alice      ALICE    a lady attending on Princess Katherine   22

In [4]: result.keys
Out[5]: [u'charid', u'charname', u'abbrev', u'description', u'speechcount']

In [6]: result[0][0]
Out[6]: u'Alice'

In [7]: result[0].description
Out[7]: u'a lady attending on Princess Katherine'

After the first connection, connect info can be omitted::

In [8]: %sql select count(*) from work
Out[8]: [(43L,)]

Connections to multiple databases can be maintained. You can refer to an existing connection by username@database

.. code-block:: python

In [9]: %%sql will@shakes
   ...: select charname, speechcount from character
   ...: where  speechcount = (select max(speechcount)
   ...:                       from character);
Out[9]: [(u'Poet', 733)]

In [10]: print(_)
charname   speechcount
Poet       733

If no connect string is supplied, %sql will provide a list of existing connections; however, if no connections have yet been made and the environment variable DATABASE_URL is available, that will be used.

For secure access, you may dynamically access your credentials (e.g. from your system environment or getpass.getpass) to avoid storing your password in the notebook itself. Use the $ before any variable to access it in your %sql command.

.. code-block:: python

In [11]: user = os.getenv('SOME_USER')
   ....: password = os.getenv('SOME_PASSWORD')
   ....: connection_string = "postgresql://{user}:{password}@localhost/some_database".format(user=user, password=password)
   ....: %sql $connection_string
Out[11]: u'Connected: some_user@some_database'

You may use multiple SQL statements inside a single cell, but you will only see any query results from the last of them, so this really only makes sense for statements with no output

.. code-block:: python

In [11]: %%sql sqlite://
   ....: CREATE TABLE writer (first_name, last_name, year_of_death);
   ....: INSERT INTO writer VALUES ('William', 'Shakespeare', 1616);
   ....: INSERT INTO writer VALUES ('Bertold', 'Brecht', 1956);
Out[11]: []

As a convenience, dict-style access for result sets is supported, with the leftmost column serving as key, for unique values.

.. code-block:: python

In [12]: result = %sql select * from work
43 rows affected.

In [13]: result['richard2']
Out[14]: (u'richard2', u'Richard II', u'History of Richard II', 1595, u'h', None, u'Moby', 22411, 628)

Results can also be retrieved as an iterator of dictionaries (result.dicts()) or a single dictionary with a tuple of scalar values per key (result.dict())

Variable substitution

Bind variables (bind parameters) can be used in the "named" (:x) style. The variable names used should be defined in the local namespace.

.. code-block:: python

In [15]: name = 'Countess'

In [16]: %sql select description from character where charname = :name
Out[16]: [(u'mother to Bertram',)]

In [17]: %sql select description from character where charname = '{name}' 
Out[17]: [(u'mother to Bertram',)]

Alternately, $variable_name or {variable_name} can be used to inject variables from the local namespace into the SQL statement before it is formed and passed to the SQL engine. (Using $ and {} together, as in ${variable_name}, is not supported.)

Bind variables are passed through to the SQL engine and can only be used to replace strings passed to SQL. $ and {} are substituted before passing to SQL and can be used to form SQL statements dynamically.


Ordinary IPython assignment works for single-line %sql queries:

.. code-block:: python

In [18]: works = %sql SELECT title, year FROM work
43 rows affected.

The << operator captures query results in a local variable, and can be used in multi-line %%sql:

.. code-block:: python

In [19]: %%sql works << SELECT title, year
    ...: FROM work
43 rows affected.
Returning data to local variable works


Connection strings are SQLAlchemy URL_ standard.

Some example connection strings::

oracle://scott:[email protected]:1521/sidname

.. _SQLAlchemy URL: http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/core/engines.html#database-urls

Note that mysql and mysql+pymysql connections (and perhaps others) don't read your client character set information from .my.cnf. You need to specify it in the connection string::


Note that an impala connection with impyla_ for HiveServer2 requires disabling autocommit::

%config SqlMagic.autocommit=False
%sql impala://hserverhost:port/default?kerberos_service_name=hive&auth_mechanism=GSSAPI

.. _impyla: https://github.com/cloudera/impyla

Connection arguments not whitelisted by SQLALchemy can be provided as a flag with (-a|--connection_arguments)the connection string as a JSON string. See SQLAlchemy Args_.

| %sql --connection_arguments {"timeout":10,"mode":"ro"} sqlite:// SELECT * FROM work;
| %sql -a '{"timeout":10, "mode":"ro"}' sqlite:// SELECT * from work;

.. _SQLAlchemy Args: https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/13/core/engines.html#custom-dbapi-args

DSN connections

Alternately, you can store connection info in a 
configuration file, under a section name chosen to 
refer to your database.

For example, if dsn.ini contains 

    | [DB_CONFIG_1] 
    | drivername=postgres 
    | host=my.remote.host 
    | port=5433 
    | database=mydatabase 
    | username=myuser 
    | password=1234

then you can  

    | %config SqlMagic.dsn_filename='./dsn.ini'
    | %sql --section DB_CONFIG_1 


Query results are loaded as lists, so very large result sets may use up
your system's memory and/or hang your browser.  There is no autolimit
by default.  However, `autolimit` (if set) limits the size of the result
set (usually with a `LIMIT` clause in the SQL).  `displaylimit` is similar,
but the entire result set is still pulled into memory (for later analysis);
only the screen display is truncated.

.. code-block:: python

   In [2]: %config SqlMagic
   SqlMagic options
       Current: True
       Set autocommit mode
       Current: 0
       Automatically limit the size of the returned result sets
       Current: False
       Return Pandas DataFrames instead of regular result sets
       Current: False
       Return data into local variables from column names
       Current: False
       Show connection string after execute
       Current: None
       Automatically limit the number of rows displayed (full result set is still
       Current: 'odbc.ini'
       Path to DSN file. When the first argument is of the form [section], a
       sqlalchemy connection string is formed from the matching section in the DSN
       Current: False
       Print number of rows affected by DML
       Current: True
       Don't display the full traceback on SQL Programming Error
       Current: 'DEFAULT'
       Set the table printing style to any of prettytable's defined styles

   In[3]: %config SqlMagic.feedback = False

Please note: if you have autopandas set to true, the displaylimit option will not apply. You can set the pandas display limit by using the pandas ``max_rows`` option as described in the `pandas documentation <http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/version/0.18.1/options.html#frequently-used-options>`_.


If you have installed ``pandas``, you can use a result set's
``.DataFrame()`` method

.. code-block:: python

    In [3]: result = %sql SELECT * FROM character WHERE speechcount > 25

    In [4]: dataframe = result.DataFrame()

The ``--persist`` argument, with the name of a 
DataFrame object in memory, 
will create a table name
in the database from the named DataFrame.  
Or use ``--append`` to add rows to an existing 
table by that name.

.. code-block:: python

    In [5]: %sql --persist dataframe

    In [6]: %sql SELECT * FROM dataframe;

.. _Pandas: http://pandas.pydata.org/


If you have installed ``matplotlib``, you can use a result set's
``.plot()``, ``.pie()``, and ``.bar()`` methods for quick plotting

.. code-block:: python

    In[5]: result = %sql SELECT title, totalwords FROM work WHERE genretype = 'c'

    In[6]: %matplotlib inline

    In[7]: result.pie()

.. image:: https://raw.github.com/catherinedevlin/ipython-sql/master/examples/wordcount.png
   :alt: pie chart of word count of Shakespeare's comedies


Result sets come with a ``.csv(filename=None)`` method.  This generates
comma-separated text either as a return value (if ``filename`` is not
specified) or in a file of the given name.

.. code-block:: python

    In[8]: result = %sql SELECT title, totalwords FROM work WHERE genretype = 'c'

    In[9]: result.csv(filename='work.csv')

PostgreSQL features

``psql``-style "backslash" `meta-commands`_ commands (``\d``, ``\dt``, etc.)
are provided by `PGSpecial`_.  Example:

.. code-block:: python

    In[9]: %sql \d

.. _PGSpecial: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pgspecial

.. _meta-commands: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/app-psql.html#APP-PSQL-META-COMMANDS


``-l`` / ``--connections``
    List all active connections

``-x`` / ``--close <session-name>`` 
    Close named connection 

``-c`` / ``--creator <creator-function>``
    Specify creator function for new connection

``-s`` / ``--section <section-name>``
    Section of dsn_file to be used for generating a connection string

``-p`` / ``--persist``
    Create a table name in the database from the named DataFrame

    Like ``--persist``, but appends to the table if it already exists 

``-a`` / ``--connection_arguments <"{connection arguments}">``
    Specify dictionary of connection arguments to pass to SQL driver

``-f`` / ``--file <path>``
    Run SQL from file at this path



Because ipyton-sql accepts ``--``-delimited options like ``--persist``, but ``--`` 
is also the syntax to denote a SQL comment, the parser needs to make some assumptions.

- If you try to pass an unsupported argument, like ``--lutefisk``, it will 
  be interpreted as a SQL comment and will not throw an unsupported argument 
- If the SQL statement begins with a first-line comment that looks like one 
  of the accepted arguments - like ``%sql --persist is great!`` - it will be 
  parsed like an argument, not a comment.  Moving the comment to the second 
  line or later will avoid this.


Install the latest release with::

    pip install ipython-sql

or download from https://github.com/catherinedevlin/ipython-sql and::

    cd ipython-sql
    sudo python setup.py install




- Matthias Bussonnier for help with configuration
- Olivier Le Thanh Duong for ``%config`` fixes and improvements
- Distribute_
- Buildout_
- modern-package-template_
- Mike Wilson for bind variable code
- Thomas Kluyver and Steve Holden for debugging help
- Berton Earnshaw for DSN connection syntax
- Bruno Harbulot for DSN example 
- Andrés Celis for SQL Server bugfix
- Michael Erasmus for DataFrame truth bugfix
- Noam Finkelstein for README clarification
- Xiaochuan Yu for `<<` operator, syntax colorization
- Amjith Ramanujam for PGSpecial and incorporating it here
- Alexander Maznev for better arg parsing, connections accepting specified creator
- Jonathan Larkin for configurable displaycon 
- Jared Moore for ``connection-arguments`` support
- Gilbert Brault for ``--append`` 
- Lucas Zeer for multi-line bugfixes for var substitution, ``<<`` 
- vkk800 for ``--file``
- Jens Albrecht for MySQL DatabaseError bugfix
- meihkv for connection-closing bugfix
- Abhinav C for SQLAlchemy 2.0 compatibility

.. _Distribute: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/distribute
.. _Buildout: http://www.buildout.org/
.. _modern-package-template: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/modern-package-template
.. _JupySQL: https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql