
The Integrated Urban Complexity Model

GPL-3.0 License


IUCM - The Integrated Urban Complexity Model

.. start-badges

.. list-table:: :stub-columns: 1 :widths: 10 90

* - docs
  - |docs|
* - package
  - |version| |conda| |supported-versions| |supported-implementations|

.. |docs| image:: http://readthedocs.org/projects/iucm/badge/?version=latest :alt: Documentation Status :target: http://iucm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest

.. |version| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/iucm.svg?style=flat :alt: PyPI Package latest release :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/iucm

.. |conda| image:: https://anaconda.org/chilipp/iucm/badges/installer/conda.svg :alt: conda :target: https://conda.anaconda.org/chilipp

.. |supported-versions| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/iucm.svg?style=flat :alt: Supported versions :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/iucm

.. |supported-implementations| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/implementation/iucm.svg?style=flat :alt: Supported implementations :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/iucm

.. end-badges

This model simulates urban growth and transformation with the objective of minimising the energy required for transportation.

The full documentation and installation instructions are available on http://iucm.readthedocs.io.


This package depends on

  • python >= 2.7
  • Cython_
  • numpy_
  • scipy_
  • xarray_
  • psyplot_
  • netCDF4_
  • funcargparse_
  • model-organization_

To install all the necessary Packages in a conda environment iucm, type::

$ conda create -n iucm -c conda-forge cython psyplot netCDF4 scipy
$ conda activate iucm
$ pip install model-organization

Then run pip::

$ pip install iucm

to install the package from pypi, or::

$ python setup.py install

for an installation from a local source. We also provide a conda-package via::

$ conda install -c chilipp iucm

More detailed installation instructions can be found in the installation docs_.

.. _python: https://www.python.org/ .. _Cython: http://docs.cython.org/en/latest/ .. _numpy: http://www.numpy.org/ .. _scipy: https://scipy.org/ .. _xarray: http://xarray.pydata.org/ .. _psyplot: http://psyplot.readthedocs.io/ .. _netCDF4: http://unidata.github.io/netcdf4-python/ .. _funcargparse: http://funcargparse.rtfd.io/ .. _model-organization: http://model-organization.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ .. _installation docs: http://iucm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install.html