
Use jbovlaste on the command line, offline.

BSD-2-CLAUSE License


Use jbovlaste on the command line, offline.

  • Displays L\ :sup:A\T\ :sub:E\X formatting
    as unicode plain text with console formatting
  • Uses a hashing key-value store for fast look ups
  • Computes search terms in advance with scoring for fast serching
  • Stemming if PyStemmer <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/PyStemmer/>_
    is installed
  • Handles undefined compound words beautifully: lobybau resolves to
    jbobau and cizbau to cizra and bangu
  • Script friendly: define your own shell aliases and functions


This is currently pre-release and the recommended installation is a developer installation::

$ git clone git://github.com/dag/jbo.git && cd jbo
$ sudo ./setup.py develop
$ jbo index en.xml
$ echo "source <(jbo bashrc)" >>~/.bashrc && source <(jbo bashrc)

Now you can git pull changes without needing to run setup.py again.

jbo define

.. image:: http://github.com/dag/jbo/raw/master/screenshots/define.png

jbo filter

.. image:: http://github.com/dag/jbo/raw/master/screenshots/filter.png

jbo index

The jbovlaste export for $JBO_LANGUAGE (defaultnig to en) is automatically downloaded and indexed if needed. This command lets you keep the index up to date or index an export from a non-standard place (file path or URL).

.. image:: http://github.com/dag/jbo/raw/master/screenshots/index.png

.. note:: Progress bars require a recent version of the progressbar <http://code.google.com/p/python-progressbar/>_ library, which can be installed with:

    sudo easy_install progressbar

This however is optional. The `python-lxml <http://codespeak.net/lxml/>`_
library is similarly preferred if installed and might be faster,
otherwise a standard library is used for processing XML.

jbo bashrc

.. image:: http://github.com/dag/jbo/raw/master/screenshots/bashrc.png

.. image:: http://github.com/dag/jbo/raw/master/screenshots/fd.png