
A to-do/backlog CLI with Trello for a backend

MIT License



Where you go when you need to get things done

A command line interface (CLI) to-do/backlog tool to stay organized. This uses Trello as a backend with an opinionated workflow.


$ git clone
$ cd jersey
$ sudo make


Jersey not only uses Trello as a backend, but also the awesome py-trello wrapper around the API. Because of this, there are a few steps you need to take before you can use Jersey. Some of the steps below are from py-trello requirements/documention.

  1. Create a Trello account if you don't already have one
  2. Create Trello board named Backlog (this is currently not configurable, but if there is enough desire to make this configurable I can develop that into the product)
  3. Create the following lists in your new Backlog board: need_to_do, doing, blocked, done (again, this is not configurable, but if there is interest then please create an issue on this repo)
  4. (Optionally) create labels that are relevant to your requirements (my labels are work, personal, pressing, and urgent. Feel free to use these same ones, or create as few or many as you desire)
  5. Set the following environment variables. The API key and secret for your Trello account can be found here
    • TRELLO_EXPIRATION (optionally set this to never for the token to never expire)
  6. From the root directory of Jersey, run the following: $ python venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/trello/
  7. The output from running that py-trello utility will be used to now set the following environment variables


usage: nj [-h] {ls,list,show,move,add,labels,comment,modify,sort} ...

positional arguments:
    ls                  list all cards with a label filter
    list                list things
    show                display a card and contents
    move                move a card to a different list
    add                 add a new card
    labels              list labels
    comment             add a comment to a card
    modify              modify an existing card
    sort                sort all cards in the board

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

💡 Each sub command has its own help menu to display possible args. E.g. $ nj add --help


Show all active lists (need_to_do, doing, and blocked)

$ nj

Show all cards with a particular label

$ nj ls work

Show a particular list: nj list <list_name>

$ nj list doing

Show details about a card (including comments): nj show <card_id>. card_id is retrieved from the nj list command

$ nj show 50e

Display all available labels

$ nj labels

Add a new card: nj add <card_name> <list_name> -d <due_date> -l <labels> (due_date and labels are optional)

$ nj add 'review pull request' doing -d today -l work
$ nj add 'review pull request' doing -d today
$ nj add 'review pull request' doing -l work
$ nj add 'review pull request' doing

Modify an existing card's due date

$ nj modify <card_id> -d tomorrow

Remove an existing card's due date

$ nj modify <card_id> --remove-due

Add a label to an existing card

$ nj modify <card_id> -l <label_name>

Remove a label from an existing card

$ nj modify <card_id> --remove-label <label_name>

Add a comment to a card: nj comment <card_id> <comment>

$ nj comment 50e 'waiting on pull request author to reply'

Move a card to a different list: nj move <card_id> <list_name>

$ nj move 50e done

Sort all cards in all lists (this happens by-list when you add a new card)

$ nj sort