
JIra-select is a command-line tool and library that lets you run SQL-like queries against your Jira instance that are far beyond what Jira's built-in query language can provide.


Jira-Select: Get the data you want to see out of Jira

Jira-select is a command-line tool and library that lets you run SQL-like queries against your Jira instance that are far beyond what Jira's built-in query language can provide.

Jira has its own query language but there are many limitations around what JQL is capable of. Some data is returned in arcane formats (e.g. sprint names are returned as a string looking something like com.atlassian.greenhopper.service.sprint.Sprint@14b1c359[id=436...), data cannot be grouped (there's nothing like SQL's GROUP BY statement), and because of that lack of grouping, there are no aggregation functions -- no SUM-ing story points or estimates per-assignee for you. And if you want to write a custom function for processing a field, well, I'm not even sure where you'd begin. Jira-select makes those things easy.

If you've ever found yourself held back by the limitations of Jira's built-in query language, this tool may make your life easier. Using Jira-select you can perform a wide variety of SQL-like query operations including grouping, aggregation, custom functions, and more.

Supported Platforms

  • Linux
  • Windows
  • OSX


You can either install from pip:

pip install jira-select

or you can download the latest packaged release here:


or you can build from source:

git clone https://github.com/coddingtonbear/jira-select.git
cd jira-select
pip install -e .


First, you need to configure jira-select to connect to your jira instance:

jira-select configure

Then, you can open up your shell:

jira-select shell

Now, you can type out your query -- the below will find issues assigned to you:

 Issue Key: key
 Issue Summary: summary
from: issues
  - assignee = "[email protected]"
  - resolution is null

The editor uses vi bindings by default; so once you're ready to submit your query, press Esc followed by Enter and after a short wait (watch the progressbars), you'll be shown your results. Press q to exit your results.

  • Documentation for Jira-select is available on ReadTheDocs.
  • Please post issues on Github.
  • Questions? Ask them on Gitter.