
JPype is cross language bridge to allow Python programs full access to Java class libraries.

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jpype - JPype 1.5.0 Latest Release

Published by Thrameos 10 months ago

  • 1.5.0 - 2023-12-15

    • Support for Python 3.12

    • Switched __eq__ and __ne__ operator to use equals rather than
      compareTo for comparable objects to avoid exception when comparing
      object of different types.

    • Fixed segmentation fault when comparing Java Comparable to primitives.

    • Java exceptions that occur in inequality comparisons now map to Python

    • Fixed crash when calling subscript on JArray.

    • Fixed direct byte buffers not reporting nbytes correctly when cast to

    • Expand the defintion for Functional interface to include classes without
      FunctionInterface annotation.

    • Add additional matching level for derived types to resolve ambiguities when
      a derived type is used in place of base class when determining the method
      overload. This will resolve some previous ambiguities between methods.

jpype - JPype 1.4.1

Published by Thrameos almost 2 years ago

  • Fixed issue with startJVM changing locale settings.

  • Changes to support Python 3.11

  • Fix truncation of strings on null when using convert strings.

  • Replaced distutil with packaging

jpype - JPype 1.4.0

Published by Thrameos over 2 years ago

  • Support for all different buffer type conversions.

    • Improved buffer transfers to numpy as guaranteed to match Java types.
      However, exact dtype for conversions is os/numpy version dependent.

    • Support for byte order channels on buffer transfers.

    • Byte size for buffers now fixed to Java definitions.

    • When directly accessing Java arrays using memory view, Python requires a
      cast from buffers. Required because Python does not support memory view
      alterations on non-native sizes.

  • Fix crash when comparing JChar.

    • Order handling for numerical operations with JChar fixed.
  • Improved matching for Java functors based on parameter count.

  • Dropped support for Python 3.5 and 3.6

  • dbapi2 handles drivers that don't support autocommit.

  • Fixed issue when Java classes with dunder methods such as __del__
    caused conflicts in Python type system. Java method which match dunder
    patterns are longer translated to Python.

  • Fix issue with numpy arrays with no dimensions resulting in crash.

  • Support for user defined conversions for java.lang.Class and array types.

  • Fixed issue with ssize_t on Windows for Python 3.10.

jpype - JPype 1.3.0

Published by Thrameos over 3 years ago

  • Fixes for memory issues found when upgrading to Python 3.10 beta.

  • Add additional diagnositics for importing of non-public class.

  • Fixed issue with classes with unsatified dependencies leading to a crash
    on windows.

  • Fixed a bug with arrays created using the short cut. The wrong type
    was being returned.

jpype - JPype 1.2.1

Published by Thrameos almost 4 years ago

This is a bug release to correct defects found in the previous release. This version should add no additional functionality, though certain bug fixes will correct previous behaviors or add files which were incorrectly excluded due to packaging issues.

  • JPype scans jar files and rebuilding missing directories to allow imports from stripped and obfuscated jar files. Previously certain build patterns for jars excluded directories which prevented the import system from functioning properly. This change should increase the number of jar files which can be imported successfully. This was the intended behavior for imports, but certain defects in the process prevented proper function.

  • Missing stub files added to packaging. These were added in the last release, but the packaging system incorrectly excluded them from the build.

  • Python 3.9 issues are resolved on Windows. A change in Python 3.9 made is so that the GIL is not held during library loading, thus static variables created are not valid. These variables have been moved to module initialization.

  • aarch64 has been added to the build patterns for publication in this and future releases.

jpype - JPype 1.2.0

Published by Thrameos almost 4 years ago

  • Added builds for Python 3.9. Python 3.9 on Windows is currently failing
    due to issue in Python.

  • Fixed bug when importing from multi-release jars. The directory was
    being truncated to only those classes in the overlay.

  • addClassPath can add jar files after the JVM is started. The default
    loader for JPype class is org.jpype.classloader.DynamicClassLoader.

  • Build support of z/OS added.

  • Bug causing ambiguity between primitives and variadic arguments in method
    resolution was corrected.

  • Boolean was inadvertently left out of method resolution. boolean
    now properly matched with boxed types.

  • Support for PyInstaller was added.

jpype - JPype 1.1.2

Published by Thrameos almost 4 years ago

  • Linux binaries are now stripped for size.

  • Add importlib.util to address instability in Python importlib boot process.
    Certain versions of Python such as 3.9 appear to not properly load this
    module resulting in unexpected errors during startJVM.

jpype - JPype 1.1.1

Published by Thrameos almost 4 years ago

This pull release corrects an issue in the build system resulting in incomplete wheels on linux. No other changes from 1.1.0.

jpype - JPype 1.1.0

Published by Thrameos almost 4 years ago

linux distribution were incomplete. Please use 1.1.1 release.

  • Correct bug resulting in reporting ambiguous overloads when resolving
    methods with variadic arguments.

  • Ctrl+C behavior is switchable with interrupt flag to startJVM.
    If True, process will halt on Ctrl-C. If False, the process
    will transfer control to Python rather than halting. If
    not specified JPype will assume false if Python is started as an
    interactive shell.

  • Fixed crash with Ctrl+C when multiple exceptions were generated.

  • Removed extraneous exception when calling Ctrl+C before Java code is
    executed for methods and fields.

  • Fixed memory leak with string cache.

  • Fixed crash when manually creating wrappers for anonymous classes.

  • Fixed reference count problem in stackframes used for exceptions.

  • Errors report *static* when the matching with a static method
    so that it is clear when a member method was called statically.

  • java.lang.String slices function like Python string slice.

  • Java packages now operate as normal Python modules. Removed restrictions
    regarding setattr. All package instances for the same package name are
    shared so that functionality added to one instance is shared wiht all

jpype - JPype 1.0.2

Published by Thrameos about 4 years ago

  • The wrapper for Throwable was getting the wrapper for Object rather than
    the expected wrapper resulting in odd conversions from Python classes.

  • Typos within the import system resulting in "jname" not found corrected.

  • ^C propagates to a KeyboardInterrupt properly.

  • Added cache to the method dispatch to bypass resolution of overloads.
    This reduces the cost of method resolution significantly especially if
    the same overload is hit repeatedly such as during loop operations.

  • Improved speed on transfer of lists, tuples, buffers to arrays of Java
    primitives by a factor of 4 to 100 depending on the data type. The
    conversion uses optimized path for memory buffers, rather than the
    Sequence API. When a Python buffer is encountered only the
    first element is checked for conversion as Python buffers are homogeneous.

  • Corrected symbol problem with Python 3.5.3. PySlice_Unpack was introduced
    in a later patch release and should not have been used.

  • shutdown The behavior log entry for changes on shutdown were lost in
    the 1.0 release. JPype now calls the JVM shutdown routine which tries to
    gracefully exit when shutdown is called. This results in several changes
    in behavior. Non daemon threads can now hold open the JVM until they have
    completed. Proxy calls will hold the shutdown until the call is completed
    but will receive an interrupt message. Files now close properly and will
    flush if the threads properly handle the exception. Resource clean up
    hooks and finalizers are executed. AtExit hooks in the JVM are called as
    spawned threads. Automatic attachment of threads by use of the JVM from
    Python are done as daemon but can be reattached as user threads on demand.
    Buggy code that fails to properly handle thread clean up will likely hang
    on shutdown. Additional documentation is located in the user guide.

  • A bug was reported with numpy.linalg.inv resulting in crashes. This was
    traced to an interaction with threading between the JVM and some compilations
    of numpy. The workaround appears to be calling numpy.linalg.inv prior to
    starting the JVM.

special note To all our friends on, please blame not the translator. Translating my mangled English diction and word order is torture enough. Dyslexics of the world untie!

jpype - JPype 1.0.1

Published by Thrameos over 4 years ago

This is a single issue patch release for compatibility with Python 3.8.4.

  • Workarounds for Python 3.8.4 release. Python altered logic regarding the use of __setattr__ for object and type, preventing it from being used to alter derived classes. Also the checking for errors was delegated from the __setattr__ method so exception types on some sanity checks needed to be updated accordingly.
jpype - JPype 1.0.0

Published by Thrameos over 4 years ago

  • JChar is supported as a return type, thus rather than returning a string where a JChar is expected. For compatibility JChar is
    derived from str and implements implicit conversion to an int when used in numeric operations. Therefore, it passes the return, argument, and field contracts. But that means it is no longer considered a numerical type to Python and thus isinstance(c, int) is False. This is consistent with the Java type conversion rules.

  • Introduced Python operator for Java casting. In Java to cast to a type you would use (Type) obj, but Python does not support anything similar. Therefore, we are enlisting the rarely used matmul operator as to allow an easy way to cast an object to a Java type. When a cast to a Java type is required, use Type@obj or (Type)@obj.

  • Introduced array notation to create Java arrays. In earlier versions, JArray factory was required to make a new array type. But this is tedious to read. In Java the notation would be Type[] to declare a type or new Type[sz] to make a new array. Python does not directly support this notation, but it does allow for unspecified array sizes using a slice. All Java class types support Type[sz] to create an array of a fixed size and Type[:] to create an array type which can be instantiated later. This call be applied to multiple dimensions to create fixed sized arrays Type[s1][s2][s3] to declare multi-dimension array types Type[:][:][:] or to create a new multi dimensional array with unspecified dimensions Type[sz][:][:]. Applying a slice with limits to a class is unsupported.

  • Java classes annotated with @FunctionalInterface can be converted from any Python object that implements __call__. This allows functions, lambdas, and class constructors to be used whereever Java accepts a lambda.

  • Deprecated class and functions were removed. JIterator, use of JException as a factory, get_default_jvm_path, jpype.reflect module.

  • Default for starting JVM is now to return Java strings rather than convert.

  • Python deprecated __int__ so implicit conversions between float and integer types will produce a TypeError.

  • Use of JException is discouraged. To catch all exceptions or test if an object is a Java exception type, use java.lang.Throwable.

  • Chained Java exception causes are now reflected in the Python stackframes.

  • Use of JString is discouraged. To create a Java string or test if an object is a Java string type, use java.lang.String.

  • Updated the repr methods on Java classes.

  • java.util.List completes the contract for and

  • java.util.Collection completes the contract for

  • Java classes are closed and will raise TypeError if extended in Python.

  • Handles Control-C gracefully. Previous versions crash whenever Java handles the Control-C signal as they would shutdown Java during a call. Now JPype will produce a InterruptedException when returning from Java. Control-C will not break out of large Java procedures as currently implemented as Java does not have a specific provision for this.

jpype - JPype 0.7.5

Published by Thrameos over 4 years ago

This release is to fix an issue in which the development release was accidentally published as the source release on PyPi. v0.7.4 built from source from PyPi and on the Anaconda distributions should be replaced with this version. Changes in this release include

  • Updated documentation
  • A revised release and testing process which should prevent similar issues in the future
jpype - JPype 0.7.4

Published by Thrameos over 4 years ago

This is a quick fix release to deal with a memory leak in array handling which allowed arrays to escape garbage collection when created from Python or as part of variable argument methods.

  • Corrected a resource leak in arrays that affects array initialization, and variable
    argument methods.

  • Upgraded diagnostic tracing and JNI checks to prevent future resource leaks.

jpype - JPype 0.7.3

Published by Thrameos over 4 years ago

This is a maintenance release correcting a number of issues from NumPy removal. Yet another stepping stone on the way to 1.0.

  • Replaced type management system, memory management for internal
    classes is now completely in Java to allow enhancements for
    buffer support and revised type conversion system.

  • Python module jpype.reflect will be removed in the next release.

  • jpype.startJVM option convertStrings default will become False
    in the next release.

  • Undocumented feature of using a Python type in JObject(obj, type=tp)
    is deprecated to support casting to Python wrapper types in Java in a
    future release.

  • Dropped support for Cygwin platform.

  • JFloat properly follows Java rules for conversion from JDouble.
    Floats outside of range map to inf and -inf.

  • java.lang.Number converts automatically from Python and Java numbers.
    Java primitive types will cast to their proper box type when passed
    to methods and fields taking Number.

  • java.lang.Object and java.lang.Number box signed, sized numpy types
    (int8, int16, int32, int64, float32, float64) to the Java boxed type
    with the same size automatically. Architecture dependent numpy
    types map to Long or Double like other Python types.

  • Explicit casting using primitives such as JInt will not produce an
    OverflowError. Implicit casting from Python types such as int or float

  • Returns for number type primitives will retain their return type
    information. These are derived from Python int and float types
    thus no change in behavior unless chaining from a Java methods
    which is not allowed in Java without a cast.
    JBoolean and JChar still produce Python types only.

  • Add support for direct conversion of multi-dimensional primitive arrays
    with JArray.of(array, [dtype=type])

  • java.nio.Buffer derived objects can convert to memoryview if they
    are direct. They can be converted to NumPy arrays with

  • Proxies created with @JImplements properly implement toString,
    hashCode, and equals.

  • Proxies pass Python exceptions properly rather converting to

  • JProxy.unwrap() will return the original instance object for proxies
    created with JProxy. Otherwise will return the proxy.

  • JProxy instances created with the convert=True argument will automatic
    unwrap when passed from Java to Python.

  • JProxy only creates one copy of the invocation handler per
    garbage collection rather than once per use. Thus proxy objects
    placed in memory containers will have the same object id so long
    as Java holds on to it.

  • @JImplements with keyword argument deferred can be started
    prior to starting the JVM. Methods are checked at first object

  • Fix bug that was causing java.lang.Comparable, byte[],
    and char[] to be unhashable.

  • Fix bug causing segfault when throwing Exceptions which lack a
    default constructor.

  • Fixed segfault when methods called by proxy have incorrect number of

  • Fixed stack overflow crash on iterating ImmutableList

  • java.util.Map conforms to Python API.

  • java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException can be caught with
    IndexError for consistency with Python exception usage.

  • java.lang.NullPointerException can be caught with ValueError
    for consistency with Python exception usage.

  • Replaced type conversion system, type conversions test conversion
    once per type improving speed and increasing flexiblity.

  • User defined implicit conversions can be created with @JConversion
    decorator on Python function taking Java class and Python object.
    Converter function must produce a Java class instance.

  • pathlib.Path can be implicitly converted into java.lang.File
    and java.lang.Path.

  • datetime.datatime can implicitly convert to java.time.Instant.

  • dict and can convert to java.util.Map
    if all element are convertable to Java. Otherwise, TypeError is

  • list and can convert to java.util.Collection
    if all elements are convertable to Java. Otherwise, TypeError is

jpype - JPype 0.7.2

Published by Thrameos over 4 years ago

  • C++ and Java exceptions hold the traceback as a Python exception
    cause. It is no longer necessary to call stacktrace() to retrieve
    the traceback information.

  • Speed for call return path has been improved by a factor of 3.

  • Multidimensional array buffer transfers increase speed transfers
    to numpy substantially (orders of magnitude). Multidimension primitive
    transfers are read-only copies produced inside the JVM with C contiguous

  • All exposed internals have been replaced with CPython implementations
    thus symbols __javaclass__, __javavalue__, and __javaproxy__
    have been removed. A dedicated Java slot has been added to all CPython
    types derived from _jpype class types. All private tables have been
    moved to CPython. Java types must derive from the metaclass JClass
    which enforces type slots. Mixins of Python base classes is not
    permitted. Objects, Proxies, Exceptions, Numbers, and Arrays
    derive directly from internal CPython implementations.

  • Internal improvements to tracing and exception handling.

  • Memory leak in convertToDirectBuffer has been corrected.

  • Arrays slices are now a view which support writeback to the original
    like numpy array. Array slices are no longer covariant returns of
    list or numpy.array depending on the build procedure.

  • Array slices support steps for both set and get.

  • Arrays now implement __reversed__

  • Incorrect mapping of floats between 0 and 1 to False in setting
    Java boolean array members is corrected.

  • Java arrays now properly assert range checks when setting elements
    from sequences.

  • Java arrays support memoryview API and no longer required numpy
    to transfer buffer contents.

  • Numpy is no longer an optional extra. Memory transfer to numpy
    is available without compiling for numpy support.

  • JInterface is now a meta class. Use isinstance(cls, JInterface)
    to test for interfaces.

  • Fixed memory leak in Proxy invocation

  • Fixed bug with Proxy not converting when passed as an argument to
    Python functions during execution of proxies

  • Missing tlds "mil", "net", and "edu" added to default imports.

  • Enhanced error reporting for UnsupportedClassVersion during startup.

  • Corrections for collection methods to improve complience with
    Python containers.

    • java.util.Map gives KeyError if the item is not found. Values that
      are null still return None as expected. Use get() if
      empty keys are to be treated as None.

    • java.util.Collection __delitem__ was removed as it overloads
      oddly between remove(Object) and remove(int) on Lists.
      Use Java remove() method to access the original Java behavior,
      but a cast is strongly recommended to to handle the overload.

  • java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException can be caught with IndexError
    for complience when accessing java.util.List elements.

jpype - JPype 0.7.1

Published by Thrameos almost 5 years ago

  • Updated the keyword safe list for Python 3.

  • Automatic conversion of CharSequence from Python strings.

  • java.lang.AutoCloseable supports Python "with" statement.

  • Hash codes for boxed types work properly in Python 3 and can be
    used as dictionary keys again (same as JPype 0.6). Java arrays
    have working hash codes, but as they are mutable should not
    be used as dictionary keys. java.lang.Character, java.lang.Float,
    and java.lang.Double all work as dictionary keys, but due to
    differences in the hashing algorithm do not index to the same
    location as Python native types and thus may cause issues
    when used as dictionary keys.

  • Updated getJVMVersion to work with JDK 9+.

  • Added support for pickling of Java objects using optional module

  • Fixed incorrect string conversion on exceptions. str() was
    incorrectly returning getMessage rather than toString.

  • Fixed an issue with JDK 12 regarding calling methods with reflection.

  • Removed limitations having to do with CallerSensitive methods. Methods
    affected are listed in :doc:caller-sensitive. Caller sensitive
    methods now receive an internal JPype class as the desut

  • Fixed segfault when converting null elements while accessing a slice
    from a Java object array.

  • PyJPMethod now supports the FunctionType API.

  • Tab completion with Jedi is supported. Jedi is the engine behind
    tab completion in many popular editors and shells such as IPython.
    Jedi version 0.14.1 is required for tab completion as earlier versions
    did not support annotations on compiled classes. Tab completion
    with older versions requires use of the IPython greedy method.

  • JProxy objects now are returned from Java as the Python objects
    that originate from. Older style proxy classes return the
    inst or dict. New style return the proxy class instance.
    Thus proxy classes can be stored on generic Java containers
    and retrieved as Python objects.

jpype - JPype 0.7

Published by marscher over 5 years ago

  • Doc strings are generated for classes and methods.

  • Complete rewrite of the core module code to deal unattached threads,
    improved hardening, and member management. Massive number of internal
    bugs were identified during the rewrite and corrected.
    See the :doc:ChangeLog-0.7 for details of all changes.

  • API breakage:

    • Java strings conversion behavior has changed. The previous behavior was
      switchable, but only the default convert to Python was working.
      Converting to automatically lead to problems in which is was impossible
      to work with classes like StringBuilder in Java. To convert a Java
      string use str(). Therefore, string conversion is currently selected
      by a switch at the start of the JVM. The default shall be False
      starting in JPype 0.8. New code is encouraged to use the future default
      of False. For the transition period the default will be True with a
      warning if not policy was selected to encourage developers to pick the
      string conversion policy that best applies to their application.

    • Java exceptions are now derived from Python exception. The old wrapper
      types have been removed. Catch the exception with the actual Java
      exception type rather than JException.

    • Undocumented exceptions issued from within JPype have been mapped to the
      corresponding Python exception types such as TypeError and
      ValueError appropriately. Code catching exceptions from previous
      versions should be checked to make sure all exception paths are being

    • Undocumented property import of Java bean pattern get/set accessors was
      removed as the default. It is available with import jpype.beans, but
      its use is discouraged.

  • API rework:

    • JPype factory methods now act as base classes for dynamic
      class trees.
    • Static fields and methods are now available in object
    • Inner classes are now imported with the parent class.
    • jpype.imports works with Python 2.7.
    • Proxies and customizers now use decorators rather than
      exposing internal classes. Existing JProxy code
      still works.
    • Decorator style proxies use @JImplements and @JOverload
      to create proxies from regular classes.
    • Decorator style customizers use @JImplementionFor
    • Module jpype.types was introduced containing only
      the Java type wrappers. Use from jpype.types import * to
      pull in this subset of JPype.
  • synchronized using the Python with statement now works
    for locking of Java objects.

  • Previous bug in initialization of arrays from list has been

  • Added extra verbiage to the to the raised exception when an overloaded
    method could not be matched. It now prints a list of all possible method

  • The following is now DEPRECATED

    • jpype.reflect.* - All class information is available with .class_
    • Unnecessary JException from string now issues a warning.
  • The following is now REMOVED

    • Python thread option for JPypeReferenceQueue. References are always handled with
      with the Java cleanup routine. The undocumented setUsePythonThreadForDaemon()
      has been removed.
    • Undocumented switch to change strings from automatic to manual
      conversion has been removed.
    • Artifical base classes JavaClass and JavaObject have been removed.
    • Undocumented old style customizers have been removed.
    • Many internal jpype symbols have been removed from the namespace to
      prevent leakage of symbols on imports.
  • promoted --install-option to a --global-option as it applies to the build as well
    as install.

  • Added --enable-tracing to to allow for compiling with tracing
    for debugging.

  • Ant is required to build jpype from source, use --ant= with
    to direct to a specific ant.

jpype - Bug fix release

Published by marscher over 6 years ago

  • Java reference counting has been converted to use JNI
    PushLocalFrame/PopLocalFrame. Several resource leaks
    were removed.

  • java.lang.Class<>.forName() will now return the java.lang.Class.
    Work arounds for requiring the class loader are no longer needed.
    Customizers now support customization of static members.

  • Support of java.lang.Class<>

  • java.lang.Object().getClass() on Java objects returns a java.lang.Class
    rather than the Python class

  • java.lang.Object().class on Java objects returns the python class
    as do all python objects

  • java.lang.Object.class_ maps to the java statement 'java.lang.Object.class' and
    returns the java.lang.Class<java.lang.object>

  • java.lang.Class supports reflection methods

  • private fields and methods can be accessed via reflection

  • annotations are avaiable via reflection

  • Java objects and arrays will not accept setattr unless the
    attribute corresponds to a java method or field whith
    the exception of private attributes that begin with

  • Added support for automatic conversion of boxed types.

  • Boxed types automatically convert to python primitives.

  • Boxed types automatically convert to java primitives when resolving functions.

  • Functions taking boxed or primitives still resolve based on closest match.

  • Python integer primitives will implicitly match java float and double as per
    Java specification.

  • Added support for try with resources for java.lang.Closeable.
    Use python "with MyJavaResource() as resource:" statement
    to automatically close a resource at the end of a block.

jpype - Python 3 Support

Published by marscher over 9 years ago