
Help run hooks as root before dropping privs & running as unprivileged user

BSD-3-CLAUSE License



Run hooks as root before starting user server.


When running JupyterHub on Kubernetes, you want user pods to run as non-root users. This is good security practice, and can seriously reduce blast radius in case of compromised. For example, if you run your containers with privileged: True, a compromise of a user server will likely be able to take control of your entire kubernetes cluster, and depending on how it's configured, your cloud account! Nobody wants that.

However, what people do want is to be able to run some commands as root before the user server starts. Often, this is to do some mounting stuff, although there are other use cases too.

So the goal would be to:

  1. Run some commands as root before the user server starts
  2. These commands failing should not cause the server to not start. This mostly shows
    the user a useless 'your server has failed to start' error. In most cases, it is
    better to start the server and provide some logging so the user can investigate what
    went wrong.

jupyterhub-roothooks is designed to solve this very specific problem.


Prepare the image: With repo2docker

repo2docker is a common way to build images for use with JupyterHub, so jupyterhub-roothooks specifies some defaults that make it easy to integrate with repo2docker.

  1. Install jupyterhub-roothooks into your container image, by adding it to your requirements.txt file or under pip: in your environment.yml file.

  2. Add a roothooks.d directory to your repo.

  3. Add scripts you want executed as root inside the roothooks.d directory. These will be executed in sorted order, so you can clarify the ordering by prefixing them with numbers like 01-first-script.sh, 02-second-script.sh.

  4. Make sure these scripts are marked as executable (with chmod +x <script-name>), and have an appropriate shebang.

  5. Add a start script that looks like this:

    #!/bin/bash -l
    exec jupyterhub-roothooks --uid 1000 --gid 1000 -- "$@"

    This will start jupyterhub-roothooks, which will execute any executable scripts it finds in roothooks.d, and then run the appropriate command to start the user server (passed in via $@) with the non-root uid 1000 and gid 1000.

Prepare the image: With a Dockerfile

  1. Install jupyterhub-roothooks into your container image.

    RUN pip install --no-cache jupyterhub-roothooks
  2. Add a roothooks.d directory to your repo, and copy it over to your container image.

    COPY roothooks.d /srv/roothooks.d
  3. Add scripts you want executed as root inside the roothooks.d directory. These will be executed in sorted order, so you can clarify the ordering by prefixing them with numbers like 01-first-script.sh, 02-second-script.sh.

  4. Make sure these scripts are marked as executable (with chmod +x <script-name>), and have an appropriate shebang.

  5. Add an ENTRYPOINT to your Dockerfile that invokes jupyterhub-roothooks

    ENTRYPOINT ["jupyterhub-roothooks", "--uid", "1000", "--gid", "1000", "--hooks-dir", "/srv/roothooks.d", "--"]

    This will start jupyterhub-roothooks, which will execute any executable scripts it finds in roothooks.d, and then run the appropriate command to start the user server (passed in via args) with the non-root uid 1000 and gid 1000.

z2jh configuration

Now that the image is prepared, you can grant elevated root capabilities to the user pod via z2jh config. Note that while the container will have these capabilities, the user server itself will not. jupyterhub-roothooks will drop these capabilities before starting the user server.

                # Run the container *truly* as privileged. This can be very dangerous,
                # but is required for doing most filesystem mounts
                privileged: true
                runAsUser: 0
                allowPrivilegeEscalation: true
                    - SYS_ADMIN

Common uses

Mount object storage as files with FUSE

Should you do it?!

There are projects like gcsfuse or s3fuse that allow users to access object storage (like GCS or S3) via a traditional POSIX filesystem-like interface. This has serious performance and reliability disadvantages, as a n extra layer of complexity is added to each data access. If your code is accessing object storage directly, it goes:

flowchart LR
    code[Your Code]-- HTTP -->obj[Object Storage]

with FUSE, it becomes:

flowchart LR
    code[Your Code]-- Filesystem Call-->kernel[Linux Kernel]-->fuse[User space fuse driver]--HTTP -->obj[Object Storage]

The extra hops add complexity as well as performance degradation that could be avoided. Some aspects don't translate very well (for example, RANGE requests), and you might lose performance there too.

So you should just directly get your data from object storage when possible! However, if you really need, you can use jupyterhub-roothooks to setup FUSE.

S3 Example

This hook script provides an example of how you would do this on S3.

You need to make sure the s3fs apt package is installed in the image.