
2nd Place Solution for the RSNA 2023 Abdominal Trauma Detection Kaggle Competition

MIT License


2nd Place Solution to the RSNA 2023 Abdominal Trauma Detection Competition

Authors : Theo Viel

Introduction - Adapted from Kaggle

This repository contains code to reproduce the 2nd place solution, achieving private LB 0.35.

Pipeline is below. It has two components:

  • 2D models + RNN, where the frame-level labels are inferred using organ visibility classification when needed.
  • Crop models for kidney / liver / spleen. Results are fed to the RNN after pooling.

2D models

The key to achieve good performance with 2D models is cleverly sampling frames to feed meaningful information and reduce label noise. To do so, I use a simple but fast efficientnetv2_rw_t to infer which organs are present on every frame. During training, frames are sampled the following way:

  • kidney / liver / spleen / negative bowel : Pick a random frame inside the organ.
  • positive bowel / positive extravasation : Use the frame-level labels.
  • Negative extravasation : Sample anywhere

This model extracts probabilities for every 1/2 frame in the stack, and a RNN is trained on top to aggregate results.

Details :

  • Heavy augmentations (HFlip, ShiftScaleRotate, Color augs, Blur augs, ElasticTransform) + cutmix (p=0.5)
  • maxvit_tiny_tf_512 was best. convnextv2_tiny and maxvit_tiny_tf_384 were also great.
  • Ranger optimizer, bs=32, 40 epochs, lr=4e-5
  • Only 3D info is the 3 adjacent frames used as channels.
  • 11 classes : [bowel/extravasation]_injury(BCE optimized). And [kidney/liver/spleen]_[healthy/low/high] optimized with the cross entropy.

Crop models

Strategy is similar : key is to feed to the model crops where the information is located. In that case, I used a 3D resnet18 to crop the organs, and feed the crop to a 2D CNN + RNN model. It improves performances on kidney, liver and spleen by a good margin.

Details :

  • Same augmentations with more cutmix (p=1.)
  • Ranger optimizer, bs=8, 20 epochs, lr=2e-5
  • Best model uses 11 frames sampled uniformly in the organ. I used different number of frames for ensembling.
  • coatnet_1_rw_224 + RNN was best. I used different heads (RNN + attention, transformers) and other models CoatNet variants for ensembling.
  • 3 class cross-entropy loss.

RNN model

It is trained separately. Its role is to aggregate information from previous model, and optimize the competition metric directly.

Details :

  • Restrict stack size to 600 (for faster loading), use 1/2 frame (for faster 2D inference). Sequences are then resized to 200 for batching.
  • Heavily tweaked LSTM architecture :
    • 1x Dense + Bidi-LSTM for the 2D models probabilities. Input is the concatenation of the segmentation proba (size=5), the classification probas (size=11 x n_models), and the classification probas multiplied by the associated segmentation (size=11 x n_models)
    • Pool using probabilities predicted by the segmentation model to get organ-conditioned features.
    • Use the mean and max pooling of the 22 x n_models 2D classification features
    • Independent per organ logits, which have access to the corresponding pooled features. For instance the kidney logits sees only the crop features for the kidney (3x n_crop_models fts) , the RNN features pooled using the kidney segmentation, and the 6 x n_models pooled 2D features for the kidney class.
  • AdamW optimizer, bs=64, 10 epochs, lr=4e-5

Scores :

  • 2D Classification + RNN :
  • Using ConvNext-v2: Public 0.41 - Private 0.39
  • Add the crop model:
  • MaxVit (instead of ConvNext) + CoatNet-RNN : Public 0.37 - Private 0.35 (best private)
  • Ensemble:
  • 3x2D models, 8x 2.5D models : Public 0.35 - Private 0.35

How to use the repository


Structure should be :

├── 3ds  # Preprocessed masks
│   ├── imgs
│   └── segs
├── imgs  # Preprocessed images
│   └── <all files from the preprocessed images datasets>.png
└── <csv files>.csv
  • Setup the environment :

    • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • I also provide trained model weights :

Run The pipeline


Most of the preprocessed data is already shared. However running the notebook notebooks/Segmentation_3d.ipynb is required since masks were too big to upload to kaggle.

After running the data preparation pipeline, structure should be :

├── crops  # Crops for training crop models - 
│   └── imgs
│      └── <patient_study_organ>.npy
├── 3ds  # Preprocessed masks
│   ├── imgs
│   └── segs
├── imgs  # Preprocessed images
│   └── <all files from the preprocessed images datasets>.png
├── masks  # Masks inferred by the 3D model
│   └── <patient_study>.npy
└── <csv files>.csv


  • bash seg_cls.sh will train the 2D organ classification model. This is optional as I provide the segmentation metadata.

  • bash train.sh will train a maxvit_tiny_tf_512 2D classification model.

  • bash seg.sh will train the 3D organ segmentation model.

  • bash crop_train.sh will train the crop classification model

  • notebooks/Training_Lvl2.ipynb is used for training an validating RNN models. Make sure to update the folders in the config with yours.

Code structure

If you wish to dive into the code, the repository naming should be straight-forward. Each function is documented. The structure is the following :

├── data
│   ├── dataset.py              # Dataset classes
│   ├── loader.py               # Dataloader
│   ├── preparation.py          # Data preparation
│   └── transforms.py           # Augmentations
├── inference                   # Inference utils
│   ├── crop.py                 # Crop from 3D masks
│   ├── extract_features.py     # Extract features from 2D models
│   ├── lvl1.py                 # 2D models inference utils for Kaggle
│   ├── lvl2.py                 # RNN models inference utils for Kaggle
│   └── processing.py           # Data processing utls for kaggle
├── model_zoo 
│   ├── conv3d_same.py          # Layer for 2d to 3d conversion
│   ├── layers.py               # Custom layers
│   ├── models_lvl2.py          # RNN models
│   ├── models_seg.py           # Segmentation models
│   └── models.py               # Classification models
├── training                        
│   ├── losses.py               # Losses
│   ├── main_crop.py            # k-fold and train function for crop models
│   ├── main_lvl2.py            # k-fold and train function for RNN models
│   ├── main_seg.py             # k-fold and train function for segmentation models
│   ├── main.py                 # k-fold and train function
│   ├── mix.py                  # Cutmix and Mixup
│   ├── optim.py                # Optimizers
│   ├── train_seg.py            # Torch fit and eval functions for segmentation
│   └── train.py                # Torch fit and eval functions for classification
├── util
│   ├── logger.py               # Logging utils
│   ├── metrics.py              # Metrics for the competition
│   ├── plots.py                # Plotting utils
│   └── torch.py                # Torch utils
├── main_crop.py                # Trains a crop classification model
├── main_seg_cls.py             # Trains an organ classifcation model
├── main_seg.py                 # Trains a 3D segmentation model
├── main.py                     # Trains a 2D injury classification model
└── params.py                   # Main parameters