
A flask-based calendar app



What is it?

Kalender is a web app built with Python, using Flask as a micro-framework.

It is essentially a calendar, with the ability to log in and add notes to specific dates.

It is my first full-stack web app. I chose a project like this because it is challenging enough to keep me interested, accessible enough for me to finish, but open to add more and more features to as I go along.

I am doing this project for Harvard's CS50x online course on EdX. In the second to last week of the course we worked on a flask-based web app called CS50 finance, and that gave me some practice with using Python and Flask specifically.

Why 'Kalender'?

Kalender is the German word for 'calendar'. It was my placeholder name for the project and it stuck.

Who to thank

CS50 has been the best online course I have taken. It introduced me to programming and computer science principles and really introduced me to this world. This project is my final one for CS50.

Carter Page's tutorial for shifting a project from the CS50 IDE and deploying to Heroku was invaluable. After hours of searching through Flask and Heroku documentation and tutorials, his tutorial really set me on the right path with both deploying to Heroku and changing the app to PostgreSQL and SQL-Alchemy from locally running MySQL.

I followed a video by Traversy Media which outlined creating a basic Flask app from scratch, and it was really helpful to get a grasp of many of the concepts. Most of the plugins I use in the app are directly from this short series, which were really helpful and insightful to follow along with before I dove into this project (which seemed daunting to me to begin with!). I have since watched a couple of other videos from him and they are really helpful and accessible for someone starting out in web development.


Deployed on Heroku at: https://kalender-deploy.herokuapp.com/