
Kivy-based car entertainment and navigation system interface

MIT License



A Kivy-based car entertainment system interface.


Google Maps Directions API key

You'll need an API key for the Google Maps Directions API. Put your key in google-maps-directions.apikey in the project root before running.

System packages:

Note: On systems like Alpine Linux, you'll also need the -dev variants of most of these packages installed.

  • gcc
  • make
  • python3
  • cython
  • ffmpeg
  • sdl2
  • sdl2_image
  • sdl2_mixer
  • sdl2_ttf
  • pango
  • zlib
  • hdf5
  • opencv
  • gstreamer
  • gst-plugins-base
  • gst-plugins-good
  • pulseaudio
  • pulseaudio-bluez (for Bluetooth audio)
  • dbus
  • mtdev

Python packages:

See requirements.txt.

python-gobject can be substituted for opencv-python if you are unable to install the latter.

Kivy garden flowers:

  • iconfonts
  • mapview

Installation on ArchLinux / Manjaro:

pacman -S python cython ffmpeg sdl2 sdl2_image sdl2_mixer sdl2_ttf pango zlib hdf5 opencv gstreamer gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-good pulseaudio pulseaudio-bluetooth mtdev python-gobject python-kivy

If installing in Arch Linux ARM on a Raspberry Pi, bootstrap.sh will likely fail. In that case, run these steps manually:

pip install --user -r requirements-rpi.txt
garden install --app iconfonts
garden install --app mapview

You probably also want to make sure your user is a member of the audio, video, and input groups.

Installation on NixOS:

garden install --app iconfonts
garden install --app mapview

Installation on Alpine Linux on a Raspberry Pi:

You will first need to manually build a package for opencv with python3 support and without GTK support. (TODO: instructions coming soon?) This cannot be built on the Raspberry Pi if using diskless mode (the default) because of space constraints. (not to mention the sheer amount of time building on the RPi would take)

Similarly, in order to install Kivy in diskless mode, you first have to mount a persistent volume at /home so it doesn't attempt to build the entire source tree in memory. (and so you don't lose the results of this process once you reboot)

We also currently need to install Kivy master due to an error that hasn't had a fix released yet; see this StackOverflow question for more info.

As a normal (non-root) user with sudo privileges, in the karvy directory:

# Add the `testing` repo, for `hdf5-dev`
echo 'https://dl-2.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/testing' | sudo tee -a /etc/apk/repositories

# Assuming you've built `opencv-nogtk` and copied the resulting `packages` dir to `/media/mmcblk0p1/packages`
echo '/media/mmcblk0p1/packages/unmaintained' | sudo tee -a /etc/apk/repositories

sudo apk update
sudo apk add gcc make python3-dev cython ffmpeg-dev sdl2-dev sdl2_image-dev sdl2_mixer-dev sdl2_ttf-dev pango-dev zlib-dev hdf5-dev gstreamer-dev gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-good pulseaudio pulseaudio-bluez dbus dbus-dev mtdev libjpeg-turbo-dev musl-dev mesa-dev opencv-nogtk

# Ensure DBus is running
sudo rc-update add dbus boot
sudo /etc/init.d/dbus start

pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install --upgrade --user cython pillow
mkdir -p ~/tmp
TMPDIR=~/tmp pip3 install --user kivy[base] --pre --extra-index-url https://kivy.org/downloads/simple/
pip3 install --user $(grep -vE 'opencv-python|Kivy' requirements.txt)

~/.local/bin/garden install --app iconfonts
~/.local/bin/garden install --app mapview

You probably also want to make sure your user is a member of the audio, video, and input groups.

