
A symbolically optimized and pythonic Clifford (geometric) algebra library named after none other than William Kingdon Clifford.

MIT License



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Pythonic Geometric Algebra Package

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Kingdon is a Geometric Algebra (GA) library which combines a Pythonic API with symbolic simplification and just-in-time compilation to achieve high-performance in a single package. It support both symbolic and numerical GA computations. Moreover, :code:kingdon uses :code:ganja.js for visualization in notebooks, making it an extremely well rounded GA package.

In bullet points:

  • Symbolically optimized.
  • Leverage sparseness of input.
  • :code:ganja.js enabled graphics in jupyter notebooks.
  • Agnostic to the input types: work with GA's over :code:numpy arrays, :code:PyTorch tensors, :code:sympy expressions, etc. Any object that overloads addition, subtraction and multiplication makes for valid multivector coefficients in :code:kingdon.
  • Automatic broadcasting, such that transformations can be applied to e.g. point-clouds.
  • Compatible with :code:numba and other JIT compilers to speed-up numerical computations.

Code Example

In order to demonstrate the power of :code:Kingdon, let us first consider the common use-case of the commutator product between a bivector and vector.

In order to create an algebra, use :code:Algebra. When calling :code:Algebra we must provide the signature of the algebra, in this case we shall go for 3DPGA, which is the algebra :math:\mathbb{R}_{3,0,1}. There are a number of ways to make elements of the algebra. It can be convenient to work with the basis blades directly. We can add them to the local namespace by calling :code:locals().update(alg.blades):

.. code-block:: python

>>> from kingdon import Algebra
>>> alg = Algebra(3, 0, 1)
>>> locals().update(alg.blades)
>>> b = 2 * e12
>>> v = 3 * e1
>>> b * v
-6 𝐞₂

This example shows that only the :code:e2 coefficient is calculated, despite the fact that there are 6 bivector and 4 vector coefficients in 3DPGA. But by exploiting the sparseness of the input and by performing symbolic optimization, :code:kingdon knows that in this case only :code:e2 can be non-zero.

Symbolic usage

If only a name is provided for a multivector, :code:kingdon will automatically populate all relevant fields with symbols. This allows us to easily perform symbolic computations.

.. code-block:: python

>>> from kingdon import Algebra
>>> alg = Algebra(3, 0, 1)
>>> b = alg.bivector(name='b')
>>> b
b01 𝐞₀₁ + b02 𝐞₀₂ + b03 𝐞₀₃ + b12 𝐞₁₂ + b13 𝐞₁₃ + b23 𝐞₂₃
>>> v = alg.vector(name='v')
>>> v
v0 𝐞₀ + v1 𝐞₁ + v2 𝐞₂ + v3 𝐞₃
>>> b.cp(v)
(b01*v1 + b02*v2 + b03*v3) 𝐞₀ + (b12*v2 + b13*v3) 𝐞₁ + (-b12*v1 + b23*v3) 𝐞₂ + (-b13*v1 - b23*v2) 𝐞₃

It is also possible to define some coefficients to be symbolic by inputting a string, while others can be numeric:

.. code-block:: python

>>> from kingdon import Algebra, symbols
>>> alg = Algebra(3, 0, 1)
>>> b = alg.bivector(e12='b12', e03=3)
>>> b
3 𝐞₀₃ + b12 𝐞₁₂
>>> v = alg.vector(e1=1, e3=1)
>>> v
1 𝐞₁ + 1 𝐞₃
>>> w = b.cp(v)
>>> w
3 𝐞₀ + (-b12) 𝐞₂

A :code:kingdon MultiVector with symbols is callable. So in order to evaluate :code:w from the previous example, for a specific value of :code:b12, simply call :code:w:

.. code-block:: python

>>> w(b12=10)
3 𝐞₀ + -10 𝐞₂

Overview of Operators

.. list-table:: Operators :widths: 50 25 25 25 :header-rows: 1

    • Operation
    • Expression
    • Infix
    • Inline
    • Geometric product
    • $ab$
    • :code:a*b
    • Inner
    • $a \cdot b$
    • :code:a|b
    • :code:a.ip(b)
    • Scalar product
    • $\langle a \cdot b \rangle_0$
    • :code:a.sp(b)
    • Left-contraction
    • $a \rfloor b$
    • Right-contraction
    • $a \lfloor b$
    • :code:a.rc(b)
    • Outer (Exterior)
    • $a \wedge b$
    • :code:a ^ b
    • :code:a.op(b)
    • Regressive
    • $a \vee b$
    • :code:a & b
    • :code:a.rp(b)
    • Conjugate :code:b by :code:a
    • $a b \widetilde{a}$
    • :code:a >> b
    • :code:a.sw(b)
    • Project :code:a onto :code:b
    • $(a \cdot b) \widetilde{b}$
    • :code:a @ b
    • :code:a.proj(b)
    • Commutator of :code:a and :code:b
    • $a \times b = \tfrac{1}{2} [a, b]$
    • :code:a.cp(b)
    • Anti-commutator of :code:a and :code:b
    • $\tfrac{1}{2} \{a, b\}$
    • :code:a.acp(b)
    • Sum of :code:a and :code:b
    • $a + b$
    • :code:a + b
    • :code:a.add(b)
    • Difference of :code:a and :code:b
    • $a - b$
    • :code:a - b
    • :code:a.sub(b)
    • Reverse of :code:a
    • $\widetilde{a}$
    • :code:~a
    • :code:a.reverse()
    • Squared norm of :code:a
    • $a \widetilde{a}$
    • :code:a.normsq()
    • Norm of :code:a
    • $\sqrt{a \widetilde{a}}$
    • :code:a.norm()
    • Normalize :code:a
    • $a / \sqrt{a \widetilde{a}}$
    • :code:a.normalized()
    • Square root of :code:a
    • $\sqrt{a}$
    • :code:a.sqrt()
    • Dual of :code:a
    • $a*$
    • :code:a.dual()
    • Undual of :code:a
    • :code:a.undual()
    • Grade :code:k part of :code:a
    • $\langle a \rangle_k$
    • :code:a.grade(k)


This package was inspired by GAmphetamine.js.