
We have saved LDS scriptures (Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants) in many languages to JSON, so you don't have to.


LDS scriptures in JSON

In this repo you can find standard work of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in machine-readable JSON format:

  • Book of Mormon;
  • Doctrine and Covenants;
  • Pearl of Great Price.

Text was scraped from official church site.

Also in this repo you can find scripts to download texts again.


  1. Clone repo
  2. pipenv install
  3. pipenv shell
  4. Run python ... (see next section).


usage: [-h] [-l [LANG [LANG ...]]]
                   [-s [SCRIPTURE [SCRIPTURE ...]]] [-o] [-t THREADS]

Download standard works of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in
machine-readable JSON format.

positional arguments:
  destination           path to save JSON files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l [LANG [LANG ...]], --languages [LANG [LANG ...]]
                        list of languages to download; allowed values are
                        3-letters language key-codes: eng, spa, rus, fra...
  -s [SCRIPTURE [SCRIPTURE ...]], --scriptures [SCRIPTURE [SCRIPTURE ...]]
                        list of scriptures to download; allowed values: bofm,
                        dc-testament, pgp
  -o, --overwrite       overwrite files if they exist
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        number of threads to download in parallel


Download all scriptures in all available languages, then save it to output folder:

python output

Download all scriptures in Russian and Ukrainian languages:

python output -l rus ukr

Download only Book of Mormon and D&C in Turkish language:

python output -l tur -s bofm dc-testament

The same but overwrite existing file:

python output -l tur -s bofm --overwrite

Optionally you can specify how many parallel threads will work (default: 30):

python output -t 50

JSON structure

Root object of output JSON file has following keys:

  • title - localized title of the book;
  • uri - unique identifier of the book;
  • structure - book structure tree, array of nested StructureRecord's (will be described later);
  • contents - mapping (unordered, may be in some random order) from content's uri to ContentRecord (will be described later).

Each StructureRecord is an object with following keys:

  • type - may be section or content;
  • title - localized title of book, section or chapter;
  • entries - child objects, array of StructureRecord; may be only when type is section;
  • uri - unique identifier of the content (this uris are keys in contents mapping).

Each ContentRecord is an object with following keys:

  • uri - unique identifier of content (the same as key);
  • title - localized title of section or chapter;
  • data_type - may be book, chapter or figure;
  • book_title - localized title of book, usually appears in first chapter of any book;
  • subtitle - localized subtitle of book, usually appears in first chapter of some books; array of strings;
  • book_intro - book summary, usually appears in first chapter of any book; array of strings;
  • chapter_name - localized chapter name, i.e. "Chapter 1";
  • chapter_summary - localized summary of chapter; array of strings;
  • text - if content doesn't have verses, text will be placed here, each paragraph in separate string; array of strings;
  • verses - if content has verses, text will be placed here, each verse in separate object; array of Verse objects.

Each Verse is an object with following keys:

  • number - sequential number of verse in chapter, starting from 1;
  • text - text of the verse; string;


    "title": "Test Book",
    "uri": "/scriptures/test-book",
    "structure": [
            "type": "section",
            "title": "The Book of Nephi",
            "entries": [
                    "type": "content",
                    "title": "Chapter 1",
                    "uri": "/scriptures/test-book/ne/1"
                    "type": "content",
                    "title": "Chapter 2",
                    "uri": "/scriptures/test-book/ne/2"
            "type": "content",
            "title": "Official Declaration",
            "uri": "/scriptures/test-book/od"
    "contents": {
        "/scriptures/test-book/ne/1": {
            "uri": "/scriptures/test-book/ne/1",
            "title": "Chapter 1",
            "data_type": "chapter",
            "book_title": "The Book of Nephi",
            "subtitle": ["His Reign and Ministry"],
            "chapter_name": "Chapter 1",
            "chapter_summary": [
            "verses": [
                    "number": 1,
                    "text": "Therefore...",
        "/scriptures/test-book/ne/2": {
            "uri": "/scriptures/test-book/ne/2",
            "title": "Chapter 2",
            "data_type": "chapter",
            "chapter_name": "Chapter 2",
            "chapter_summary": [
            "verses": [
                    "number": 1,
                    "text": "Therefore...",
        "/scriptures/test-book/od": {
            "uri": "/scriptures/test-book/od",
            "title": "Official Declaration",
            "data_type": "chapter",
            "chapter_name": "Chapter 2",
            "text": [
                "Official Declaration",
                "of the First Presidency of the Church...",
                "We declare to the world that..."