
A dehydrated/letsencrypt hook for DNS-validation against Godaddy DNS



le-godaddy-dns is a Let's encrypt module, designed to be used as a hook with dehydrated for DNS-based validation against Godaddy DNS.


To use this module you will need the following:


Before anything else: Back up your zone-file.

You are letting a program meddle with your DNS. Bugs happen. Shit happens. Be prepared.

First you need to download all dependencies and configure letsencrypt.sh.

# get dependencies
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip curl

# setup a workplace
mkdir -p $ROOTDIR

# get letsencrypt.sh
git clone https://github.com/lukas2511/dehydrated
# get le-godaddy-dns
git clone https://github.com/josteink/le-godaddy-dns
cd $ROOTDIR/le-godaddy-dns
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt --user

# configure dehydrated
cd $ROOTDIR/dehydrated
nano domains.txt

# the format for domains.txt is documented in letsencrypt.sh's repo.
# https://github.com/lukas2511/dehydrated/blob/master/docs/domains_txt.md
cat domains.txt
mydomain.com sub.mydomain.com


This step is required for wildcard certificates and is otherwise recommended to reduced runtime if you have many domains (SAN Cert.). Dehydrated gives you the option to process multiple domains in wall call to the hook script, saving resource overhead and pauses for dns propagation with each call.

# open your config file for dehydrated
# Note: you can also edit the configuration elsewere if you want
# https://github.com/lukas2511/dehydrated/#config
nano $ROOTDIR/dehydrated/config

# Locate the line #HOOK_CHAIN="no"
# Uncomment the line and change the value to yes

Configure Godaddy Auth API Keys as Environment Variables:

# configure your API keys
export GD_KEY=your_key_here
export GD_SECRET=your_secret_here

Other Options

GODADDY_DNS_SLEEP - override default TXT update wait time in seconds (default/min is 30s)


Running The Script

Now you need to configure le-godaddy-dns and retrieve your certs.

cd $ROOTDIR/dehydrated

# run letsencrypt.sh in "cron" mode (-c) this creates CSRs, 
# keys and everything we need automatically.
./dehydrated --challenge dns-01 -k $ROOTDIR/le-godaddy-dns/godaddy.py -c

You should now have your certs, and the output should tell you where they are.

You can put the last section in a script and add as a cronjob to ensure your certificates gets auto-renewed.

You can optionally inspect that they look like they should

find . -name fullchain.pem -exec openssl x509 -in '{}' -text -noout \;
find . -name fullchain.pem -exec openssl x509 -in '{}' -subject -noout \;

You may also decide to customize the deploy_certificates hook in goddady.py if you want the certificates automatically copied to another destination than the one provided by letsencrypt.sh.


This module is not affiliated with nor endorsed by Godaddy. The Godaddy API python-modules are not affiliated with nor endorsed by Godaddy.

This module is not affiliated with nor endorsed by Let's Encrypt.

This module is provided as is and comes with absolutely NO warranties and I take absolutely NO responsibility should an error resulting from using this script wipe out your DNS and get your Godaddy account terminated.

Bugs in dependant Python-modules have resulted in data-loss for the author, and while the currently published code only uses code proven to be safe at time of writing, I can make no guarantees about how things may or may not work in the future.

Testing the module on a test-domain where you can afford downtime is definitely recommended.

That said, it all works for me.