
Algorithms for determining gender from name

OTHER License


LeGenderary - Determining gender from name



$ sudo pip install Fuzzy

Name-Gender Dictionaries

The dictionaries can be found on [downloads page] (https://github.com/KartikTalwar/LeGenderary/downloads)


Construct Options

This are the keys and values associated with the dictionary you need to provide when the class is initialized.

Key Values
male Output you'd like for male gender (male, 0, man etc)
female Output you'd like for female gender (female, 1, women etc)
androgynous Output you'd like for androgynous name (andro, 2 etc)
unknown Output you'd like for indeterminant gender (unknown, -1 etc)
maleConfirm Output you'd like for male where the gender confidence is low
femaleConfirm Output you'd like for female where the gender confidence is low
dict1 Path to first dictionary file (dict1.txt or /home/user/docs/dict1.txt)
dict2 Path to first dictionary file (dict2.txt or /home/user/docs/dict2.txt)
customDict Path to custom dictionary file (custom.txt or /home/user/docs/custom.txt)
bingAPIKey Your Bing/Azure marketplace API Key. Register [here] (http://bit.ly/JmuoZW)


Each method listed below can be called an a standalone function. The basic function to be called is determineGender() which in turn calls determineFromDictionary(), determineFromPhonetic(), determineFromInternet() and randomGuess() which call their respective sub-functions.

  • determineFirstName(fullName)
  • determineGender(fullName, required)
    • determineFromDictionary(firstName)
    • determineFromPhonetic(firstName)
      • determineFromSoundex(firstName)
      • determineFromNysiis(firstName)
      • determineFromMetaphone(firstName)
    • determineFromInternet(fullName)
      • determineFromBing(fullName)
      • determineFromGPeters(firstName)
    • randomGuess(firstName)


  • determineFirstName(fullName)

    Cleans out the common honorifics (Mr, Dr, Mrs, Sri etc) from the given name and returns the first name

    fullName = "Dr. Richard P. Feynman"
    print gender.determineFirstName(fullName) # Richard
  • determineGender(fullName, required)

    Calls the 4 main functions that check for gender from dictionary, internet, phonetics and random guessing. if required is set to True (default is True), the output will return either male of female (upon guessing). If set to False the output will be unknown upon failure to determine.

    fullName = "Dr. Richard P. Feynman"
    print gender.determineGender(fullName, required=False) # male
    • determineFromDictionary(firstName)

      Checks for the first name in all 3 dictionaries, 2 built in and the one custom dictionary which contains tha values of names and genders that phonetic search and internet search find.

      firstName = 'Richard'
      print gender.determineFromDictionary(firstName) # male
    • determineFromPhonetic(firstName)

      Performs all 3 phonetic searches and returns the most common predicted gender.

      firstName = 'Rikard'
      print gender.determineFromPhonetic(firstName) # male
      • determineFromSoundex(firstName)

        Uses soundex algorithm to generate hashes for all dictionary items and finds the male and female ratios for the given hash and returns the most common.

        firstName = 'Rikard'
        print gender.determineFromSoundex(firstName) # male
      • determineFromNysiis(firstName)

        Uses nysiis algorithm to generate hashes for all dictionary items and finds the male and female ratios for the given hash and returns the most common.

        firstName = 'Rikard'
        print gender.determineFromNysiis(firstName) # male
      • determineFromMetaphone(firstName)

        Uses metaphone algorithm to generate hashes for all dictionary items and finds the male and female ratios for the given hash and returns the most common.

        firstName = 'Rikard'
        print gender.determineFromMetaphone(firstName) # should be male
    • determineFromInternet(fullName)

      Performs search through the web using the Bing API and gpeters.com

      fullName = 'Richard P. Feynman'
      print gender.determineFromBing(fullName) # male
      • determineFromBing(fullName)

        Uses [Bing API] (https://datamarket.azure.com/dataset/5BA839F1-12CE-4CCE-BF57-A49D98D29A44) to predict the gender by scanning the content excerpts from the first page results. Each method call uses 4 queries to determine the gender but the final gender is saved in the custom dictionary.

        fullName = 'Richard P. Feynman'
        print gender.determineFromBing(fullName) # male
      • determineFromGPeters(firstName)

        Queries [gpeters.com] (http://www.gpeters.com/names/baby-names.php) and returns the gender based on commonality

        firstName = 'Richard'
        print gender.determineFromGPeters(firstName) # male
    • randomGuess(firstName)

      Guesses the gender based on the alphabets used in a particular name For the 2 given dictionaries, the success rate for male identification ranges between 39-43% and 80-82% for females

      firstName = 'Richard'
      print gender.randomGuess(firstName) # male

Full Usage Example


from leGenderary import leGenderary

options = { 'male'          : 'male', 
            'female'        : 'female',
            'androgynous'   : 'androgynous',
            'unknown'       : 'unknown',
            'maleConfirm'   : 'male needs confirmation',
            'femaleConfirm' : 'female needs confirmation',
            'dict1'         : 'dict1.txt',
            'dict2'         : 'dict2.txt',
            'customDict'    : 'custom.txt',
            'bingAPIKey'    : 'ABC123478ZML'

gender      = leGenderary(options)
fullName    = "Dr. Richard P. Feynman"

firstName   = gender.determineFirstName(fullName.split()) # Richard
dictionary  = gender.determineFromDictionary(firstName)   # male
takeaguess  = gender.randomGuess(firstName)               # male

phonetic    = gender.determineFromPhonetic('Rikard')      # male
#soundex    = gender.determineFromSoundex('Rikard')
#nysiis     = gender.determineFromNysiis('Rikard')
#metaphone  = gender.determineFromMetaphone('Rikard')

internet    = gender.determineFromInternet(fullName)      # male
#gPeters    = gender.determineFromGPeters(firstName)
#usebing    = gender.determineFromBing(fullName)

getgender   = gender.determineGender(fullName)            # male

print firstName, getgender                               # Richard, male


Legal Stuff

Copyright (C) 2012 Kartik Talwar. See LICENSE for details.

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