
Scripts to work with Letterboxd RSS feed and CSV's. From a pipeline to a DB to generating and sorting lists.

MIT License


Letterboxd Utility Tools master badge

Unofficial scripts to work with Letterboxd RSS feed and CSV's. From a pipeline to a DB to generating and sorting lists.

Getting Started

I suppose people reading this will already have a Letterboxd account. Exporting your data could be done through settings. If you still have trouble, a link to their FAQ


Scripts make use of dataclasses, so Python 3.7+.

This was was written on a Windows machine (Win10). Nothing OS specific was used.


Clone the project and install the requirements from requirement.txt using the following command.

pip install -r requirements.txt

If you want to make use of database scripts, you need PostGresSQL.

Will update more instructions on how to get the DB set up (this is still a WIP). Minor changes to config file should be all that is needed.

Using the scripts

This is still a work in progress. Will definitely add CLI support or at least a main script file to call other scripts.

For now, database scripts can be found under src/database_pipeline_tools here and list tools under src/movie_list_tools here.

Alternatively you can refer to tests for now on how to run the scripts. If you need more info, feel free to reach me.

Running the tests

Tests were written using Python's unittest and is hooked up to Travis. Build status can be found on the top. If you want to run tests locally, running the following command from the root of the directory will suffice.


Tests are constantly being added to have better code coverage.

And coding style tests

For linting, flake8 is used. You could run it using the following command from the root of the directory.



As of writing this, there is no definite contributing guide (Will add one later). Feel free to submit a feature request or open bug. If you have implemented it already, please submit a pull request for me to take a look.

Please read CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md for details on our code of conduct.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details


  • For LetterBoxd being such a great website for movie lovers.
  • To that one Reddit Thread asking if there was a script to merge sort a movie list.
  • And for 2020, for giving me time and motivation to finally do my pet project.
  • etc