
Realtime glitch art effects with Python and OpenCV.

GPL-3.0 License



This project uses Python and OpenCV to apply glitch art style effects in real time, using the webcam.


  • VHS date text (v key)
  • Scanlines (v key)
  • Face dragging (f key)
    • / key - Flip orientation
    • Left arrow - drag to the left/up
    • Right arrow - drag to the right/down
    • Up and down arrows - move line that is dragged
  • Face glitch (g key)
    • / key - Flip orientation
    • Up and down arrows - change glitching speed
  • Tears (t key)
  • Censor / Blackout bar (b key)
  • Screenshot (s key)
  • Record video (r key to start and then stop)
  • See debug info like FPS, face points, etc (d key)


 python3 --help
usage: [-h] [-w RESIZE_WIDTH] [-d DISPLAY_WIDTH]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -w RESIZE_WIDTH, --resize-width RESIZE_WIDTH
                        The internal image width for processing.
  -d DISPLAY_WIDTH, --display-width DISPLAY_WIDTH
                        The width of the image displayed on the screen.

No options are required, I would recommend just running it as is, and changing DISPLAY_WIDTH if the output is too small.


  1. Install OpenCV for your system. It should come with Python bindings, don't install it through pip.
  2. pip3 install -U --user Pillow numpy dlib imutils

Installing dlib will take a long time, and is resource intensive. You should leave your computer and do something else while it's installing.

Features to add

  • Maybe icons/imagery
  • Random VHS-style rolling glitch, where a whole top or bottom section is shifted a bit to the left or right
  • Eye removal
  • Test on platforms other than Linux and Python 3.8

Similar projects

  • VaporWaveArt (article, repo)
    by @TimChinenov. This project helped inspire and direct a lot of what I've done here.
    • Not live, operates on static images
    • Adds vaporwave style icons/imagery and text on top


GPL version 3. See LICENSE for details.

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