
Use ChatGPT over Twilio to create an AI phone agent (works for incoming or outgoing calls).

MIT License



Use ChatGPT over Twilio to create an AI phone agent (works for incoming or outgoing calls).

How it works

Twilio Webhook -> Flask app -> Twilio Media Stream (websocket) -> Whisper -> ChatGPT API -> Google TTS -> Twilio Play Audio


  1. pip install git+https://github.com/sshh12/llm_convo
  2. Environment Variables


Basic Text Chat

Try python examples\keyboard_chat_with_gpt.py to chat with GPT through terminal.

Twilio Helpline

Try python examples\twilio_ngrok_ml_rhyme_hotline.py --preload_whisper --start_ngrok. This requires whisper installed locally.

This will create an ngrok tunnel and provide a webhook URL to point to in Twilio settings for a purchased phone number.


Twilio Pizza Order

Try python examples\twilio_ngrok_pizza_order.py --preload_whisper --start_ngrok --phone_number "+1..........". This requires whisper installed locally.

This will create an ngrok tunnel and provide a webhook URL to point to in Twilio settings for a purchased phone number. Once the webhook is updated, it will start an outgoing call to the provided phone number.

Code Snippets

Setup a Haiku hotline with Twilio that can be called like any other phone number.

from gevent import monkey


from llm_convo.agents import OpenAIChat, TwilioCaller
from llm_convo.twilio_io import TwilioServer
from llm_convo.conversation import run_conversation
import logging
import time


tws = TwilioServer(remote_host="abcdef.ngrok.app", port=8080, static_dir=r"/path/to/static")
# Point twilio voice webhook to https://abcdef.ngrok.app/audio/incoming-voice
agent_a = OpenAIChat(
    system_prompt="You are a Haiku Assistant. Answer whatever the user wants but always in a rhyming Haiku.",
    init_phrase="This is Haiku Bot, how can I help you.",
# agent_a = OpenAIChat(
#     system_prompt="""
# You are an ordering bot that is going to call a pizza place an order a pizza.
# When you need to say numbers space them out (e.g. 1 2 3) and do not respond with abbreviations.
# If they ask for information not known, make something up that's reasonable.

# The customer's details are:
# * Address: 1234 Candyland Road, Apt 506
# * Credit Card: 1234 5555 8888 9999 (CVV: 010)
# * Name: Bob Joe
# * Order: 1 large pizza with only pepperoni
# """,
#     init_phrase="Hi, I would like to order a pizza.",
# )

def run_chat(sess):
    agent_b = TwilioCaller(sess)
    while not agent_b.session.media_stream_connected():
    run_conversation(agent_a, agent_b)

tws.on_session = run_chat

# You can also have ChatGPT actually start the call, e.g. for automated ordering
# tws.start_call("+18321231234")