
A self-hosted github copilot guide using oobabooga webui



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This project allows you to host your own GitHubCopilot-like model locally while using the official GitHubCopilot VSCode extension.


  1. Download and install the oobabooga backend

  2. Download a model

    open the oobabooga UI, go to the models tab and download a code completion model. I'm using: Deci/DeciCoder-1b, paste that name, then click download, then click load once complete

    Which model should I choose? Use smaller models for faster predictions, especially if you have a weaker PC. I tested DeciCoder-1b

    size speed model name
    125M superfast flax-community/gpt-neo-125M-code-clippy-dedup-2048
    1B fast Deci/DeciCoder-1b
    3B medium TheBloke/stablecode-instruct-alpha-3b-GGML
    7B slow mlabonne/codellama-2-7b
    15B slow TheBloke/WizardCoder-15B-1.0-GGML

A. (optional) Test the backend using curl:

curl -X 'POST'   'http://localhost:5000/v1/engines/codegen/completions'   -H 'accept: application/json'   -H 'Content-Type: application/json'   -d '{"prompt":"def hello_w","suffix":"","max_tokens":500,"temperature":0.4,"top_p":1,"n":10,"stop":["\ndef ","\nclass ","\nif ","\n\n#"],"logprobs":2,"stream":true}'

B. (optional) Test that the model is working by going to the "chat" tab and clicking "generate".

  1. Go to VSCode and modify the settings and add the following:

    "github.copilot.advanced": {
        "debug.overrideEngine": "codegen",
        "debug.testOverrideProxyUrl": "http://localhost:8000", // address:port of middleware
        "debug.overrideProxyUrl": "http://localhost:8000",
  2. (optional for authentication) Update ~/.vscode/extensions/github.copilot-*/dist/extension.js with the following:

    • Replace https://api.github.com/copilot_internal with
    • replace https://copilot-proxy.githubusercontent.com with
  3. Run the proxy:

    pip install git+https://github.com/FarisHijazi/localCopilot
    localCopilot --port 7000

    If you have oobabooga running on a separate server use the --backend argument {hostname:port}

    pip install git+https://github.com/FarisHijazi/localCopilot
    localCopilot --port 8000 --backend
curl -X 'POST'   'http://localhost:8000/v1/engines/codegen/completions'   -H 'accept: application/json'   -H 'Content-Type: application/json'   -d '{"prompt":"def hello_w","suffix":"","max_tokens":500,"temperature":0.4,"top_p":1,"n":2,"stop":["\ndef ","\nclass ","\nif ","\n\n#"],"logprobs":2,"stream":true}'

expected output

data: {"id": "conv-1692741316942825472", "object": "text_completion.chunk", "created": 1692741316, "model": "Deci_DeciCoder-1b", "choices": [{"index": 0, "finish_reason": "stop", "text": "", "logprobs": {"top_logprobs": [{"<|endoftext|>": -0.4215908944606781, "<fim_middle>": -1.2965909242630005, "\n": -3.0741329193115234}]}}], "usage": {"prompt_tokens": 4, "completion_tokens": 13, "total_tokens": 17}}

data: [DONE]
  1. install the official GitHub copilot extension


    To test that the copilot extension is working, either type some code and hope for a completion or use the command pallet (Ctrl+Shift+P) and search for GitHub Copilot: Open Completions Panel

How this works

This is done using a single script: localCopilot/middleware.py (only 90 lines of code), which is a compatibility layer between the official GitHub copilot VSCode extension and oobabooga as a backend.

Credit: I learned about the traffic redirecting from the Fauxpilot project here.


The tokenizers used by Copilot are not the same, so you can overwrite them. However, I'm not sure how useful this actually is as I don't notice any change in performance


mv $COPILOTPATH/dist/resources $COPILOTPATH/dist/resources.backup
mkdir -p $COPILOTPATH/dist/resources/cushman001
mkdir -p $COPILOTPATH/dist/resources/cushman002

cp $MODELPATH/tokenizer.json $COPILOTPATH/dist/resources/cushman001/tokenizer_cushman001.json
cp $MODELPATH/merges.txt     $COPILOTPATH/dist/resources/cushman001/vocab_cushman001.bpe

cp $MODELPATH/tokenizer.json $COPILOTPATH/dist/resources/cushman002/tokenizer_cushman002.json
cp $MODELPATH/merges.txt     $COPILOTPATH/dist/resources/cushman002/vocab_cushman002.bpe

And to revert your changes, just uninstall and reinstall the extension.


rm -rf $COPILOTPATH/dist/resources
mv $COPILOTPATH/dist/resources.backup $COPILOTPATH/dist/resources

😁 Benefits of self-hosting

  1. 🔏 Privacy: No more sending your code to the cloud! This is the main benefit especially for enterprise. No code is sent to the cloud when self-hosting since everything runs on your machine(s).
  2. 🌐 Works without internet: use it on the plane! ✈️
  3. 💰 Free: No need to pay for your monthly subscription

😞 Limitations

  1. GitHub copilot looks at multiple files for context. The current hack only looks at the current file
  2. Quality Open source models might not have suggestions as good as copilot, but still as good most of the time
  3. GitHub copilot gives 10 suggestions, while this hack gives only 1 suggestion per completion
  4. 🐛 There's a bug where the first space in autocompletion is skipped, this is due to the oobabooga backend, not the model

Why is this project setup this way?

There are many other projects for having an open source alternative for copilot, but they all need so much maintenance, I tried to use an existing large project that is well maintained: oobabooga, since it supports almost all open source LLMs and is commonly used, and is well maintained

I know that the middleware method might not be optimal, but this is a minimal hack that's easy to run, and this repository should be really easy to maintain.

Once oobabooga supports multiple requests in a single call, then the middleware should no longer be needed.

Other works

Here are some helpful open source projects I found while doing my research:

Project URL description actively maintained (as of Aug 2023)
https://github.com/CodedotAl/gpt-code-clippy Frontend + models
https://github.com/Venthe/vscode-fauxpilot this is a FauxPilot frontend
https://github.com/hieunc229/copilot-clone frontend which uses Google/StackOverflow search as a backend
https://github.com/fauxpilot/fauxpilot FauxPilot backend
https://github.com/ravenscroftj/turbopilot A backend that runs models