
A lookatme extension that renders graphviz code blocks as images

MIT License



This is a lookatme extension that renders code blocks of supported languages into images, which are then rendered using whichever image rendering options the user has available.

To get something useful out of this extension, you must have an image-rendering contrib extension installed for lookatme that is able to display images, such as lookatme.contrib.urwid_ueberzug. See lookatme's list of known extensions for other potential options.


After installing this lookatme, this extension, and lookatme.contrib.urwid_ueberzug, you should be able to see something like this:


pip install lookatme.contrib.render


Enable this plugin by adding it to the metadata in the head of the markdown file.

title: <title>
author: <author>
  - render

The following languages are currently supported:

Code-block Language(s) Renderer Executable Required Note
dot, graphviz Graphviz dot apt-get install graphviz
mermaid mermaid.cli mmdc npm install mermaid.cli; export PATH="$PATH:$(pwd)/node_modules/.bin"

The height of the rendered image can be set by either appending -N or N to the codeblock language to specify the number of rows the rendered image should use when being displayed.

The example below will render a mermaid-js graph with a height of 10 rows:

graph TD
  A0 -> B
  A1 -> B
  B -> C
  C -> D