
Neural network that solves math equations on the character level

MIT License



See the accompanying blog post here:

Simply try it yourself in Google Colab: (NEW)

Train a LSTM-based Seq2Seq network to predict the result of math equations on the character level. Configuration through global variables because I'm lazy.

Written by Max Schumacher (@cpury) in Summer 2017. Updated in Summer 2019.


Will learn how to complete simple math formulas. E.g. during training, you will get samples like this:

  67 + 38 =  108   (expected:  105)
  15 + 49 =   69   (expected:   64)
  84 - 91 =   -5   (expected:   -7)
  71 + 53 =  123   (expected:  124)
  72 -  1 =   75   (expected:   71)

And ideally, after an half an hour CPU-time or so, it will learn (almost) perfectly to get the right results :)

Maybe something like:

  36 + 55 =  91   (expected:  91)
  32 + 45 =  77   (expected:  77)
  15 + 93 = 108   (expected: 108)
  41 + 82 = 123   (expected: 123)
   4 + 89 =  93   (expected:  93)


This uses a Seq2Seq model based on LSTMs in Keras. Depending on the complexity of equations you choose, it will train on some small percentage of the complete equation space and validate on another small percentage. So all the equations you see in the example above have not been seen by the network before.

Running it yourself

Please note that I wrote this for Python 3.6+. It will probably work with 2.7+, but I don't offer any guarantees on that.

  1. Set up a virtual env: virtualenv venv; source venv/bin/activate
  2. Install the requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Optional: Open and play around with the global config values.
  4. python

You can cancel the training any time with ctrl+c. It will always output some examples at the end and store the model in model.h5, even if you cancel.

Actually, since it's not stopping when overfitting has begun, it might actually be good to hit ctr+c once you're happy with the results.

Playing with the config

All the config values at the top of should be fairly self-explanatory. You could e.g.

  • Change the math formulas to be trained on:
    • Change MAX_NUMBER to allow higher values in the equations
    • Work with negative numbers by setting MIN_NUMBER to something negative
    • Add multiplication by adding '*' to OPERATIONS
    • Have more operations per equation by increasing N_OPERATIONS
    • etc.
  • Change the model to be trained:
    • Change the size of the hidden layer(s) with HIDDEN_SIZE
    • Make the encoder deeper with ENCODER_DEPTH
    • Make the decoder deeper with DECODER_DEPTH
    • Use dropout with DROPOUT
    • etc.
  • Reverse all strings to overcome the digit ordering problem with REVERSE
    (see the blog post for more info)


Feel free to submit issues if you find bugs or room for improvement.