
MadPy Dask talk materials

MIT License


Parallel Computing in Python with Dask @ MadPy

This repository contains the materials for my "Parallel Computing in Python with Dask" talk at the Madison Python (MadPy) Meetup.

An interactive version of the notebook from this talk is available by clicking the "launch binder" button below:


Step 1: Create Conda environment

A Conda environment with the dependencies needed to run the notebook from this talk can be created with:

conda env create --name madpy-dask --file binder/environment.yml

Step 2: Activate Conda environment

Activate the Conda environment:

conda activate madpy-dask

(Optional) Step 3: Install JupyterLab extension

The Dask JupyterLab extension can be installed with:

jupyter labextension install dask-labextension

inside the activated Conda environment.

Step 4: Run Jupyter

The notebook can then be launched with:

jupyter lab dask-demo.ipynb

Additional Resources