
Multi-server mail filtering daemon supporting IMAP, POP and SMTP.

APACHE-2.0 License


.. role:: bash(code) :language: bash

.. role:: json(code) :language: json


Multi-server mail filtering daemon supporting IMAP, POP and SMTP.

.. image:: :target: :alt: package version from PyPI

.. image:: :target: :alt: build status from GitHub

.. image:: :target: :alt: test coverage from Codecov

.. image:: :target: :alt: grade from Codacy

.. image:: :target: NOTICE :alt: license

The goal of this library is to enable unified filtering for various e-mail servers, as well as inter-account filtering. Additional aim of this project is to enable filtering e-mails in a centralized way as opposed to some filters being applied by the server, and another filters by the client.

Eventually, maildaemon should make provider-dependent and client-dependent mail filtering settings obsolete. It is currently in development and doesn't achieve its goals yet.

Usage examples are shown in <examples.ipynb>_

.. contents:: :backlinks: none


For simplest installation use :bash:pip:

.. code:: bash

pip3 install maildaemon

Python 3.11 or later is required, and required dependencies defined in <requirements.txt>_ will be automatically installed too.

Maildaemon works based on a JSON configuration file. If it doesn't exist, default one will be generated. An example is provided in <test/maildaemon_test_config.json>_.

Supported protocols

Currently, the package has a very limited support for:

  • IMAP4rev1 -- via Python built-in imaplib <>_ module.

    You can see how the module works in <examples/imap_examples.ipynb>_.

  • SMTP -- via Python built-in smtplib <>_ module.

    You can see how the module works in <examples/smtp_examples.ipynb>_.

  • POP3 -- via Python built-in poplib <>_ module.

    You can see how the module works in <examples/pop_examples.ipynb>_.

Supported authentication

  • password
  • oauth


The configuration file has two sections:

.. code:: json

  "connections": { },
  "filters": { }

A complete example is provided in <test/examples/maildaemon_test_config.json>_.


The "connections" section is a dictionary where keys are human-readable connection names, and values are dictionaries that describe connection parameters.

For password authentication, connection parameters are:

  • protocol -- IMAP, POP or SMTP
  • domain -- a string of characters
  • ssl -- a boolean flag
  • port -- a number
  • login -- a string of characters
  • password -- a string of characters

.. code:: json

  "test-imap-ssl": {
    "protocol": "IMAP",
    "domain": "",
    "ssl": true,
    "port": 993,
    "login": "testuser",
    "password": "applesauce"
  "test-pop-ssl": {
    "protocol": "POP",
    "domain": "",
    "ssl": true,
    "port": 995,
    "login": "testuser",
    "password": "applesauce"

For Oauth authentication, the password can be left empty, but additional parameters need to be configured instead. Simplified list of parameters to connect to Gmail is provided below:

.. code:: json

  "test-gmail": {
    "protocol": "IMAP",
    "domain": "",
    "ssl": true,
    "port": 993,
    "oauth": true,
    "oauth-data": {
      "token_path": "/path/to/where/tokenfile/will/be/stored.json",
      "client_id": "???",
      "project_id": "???",
      "auth_uri": "",
      "auth_uri_params": {"access_type": "offline", "prompt": "select_account"},
      "token_uri": "",
      "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
      "client_secret": "???",
      "redirect_uris": ["urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob", "http://localhost"],
      "scopes": [""]
    "login": "[email protected]",
    "password": ""


The "filters" section is a dictionary as well, where keys are human-readable filter names, and values are dictionaries that describe filter parameters.

Filter parameters are:

  • connections -- a list of human-readable connection names defined in the "connections" section
  • condition -- a Python expression, described in detail below
  • actions -- a list (sequence) of commands to perform, described in detail below

.. code:: json

  "facebook-notification": {
    "connections": [
    "condition": "from_address.endswith('') and from_address.startswith('notification')",
    "actions": [

Filter condition

Details to be decided.

Filter actions

*   move -- Move the message to a specific folder on a specific account.

    "move:Gmail/INBOX/my mailing list" will move the message to a folder "/INBOX/my mailing list"
    in account named "Gmail".

    "move:/Archive/2018" will move the message to the "/Archive/2018" folder within the same account.

*   mark -- Used to mark messages as read, unread etc.

    "mark:read" will mark message as read.

    "mark:unread" will mark message as unread.

    "mark:important" will mark a message as important. Effect may vary between clients.
    In Gmail web mail client this is visible as star, in Mac mail client as a red flag,
    in Evolution as "Important message".

*   More actions to be implemented.

Testing locally

Start Greenmail server in docker:

.. code:: bash

    docker run --rm -d --name greenmail -p 3143:3143 -p 3993:3993 -p 310:3110 -p 3995:3995 -p 3025:3025 -p 3465:3465 -e GREENMAIL_OPTS='-Dgreenmail.verbose -Dgreenmail.setup.test.all -Dgreenmail.hostname= -Dgreenmail.users=login:[email protected] -Dgreenmail.users.login=email -Dgreenmail.auth.disabled' -t greenmail/standalone:2.0.0

Make sure that services are running:

.. code:: bash


Run tests:

.. code:: bash

    TEST_COMM=1 python3 -m coverage run --branch --source . -m unittest -v test.test_smtp_connection
    TEST_COMM=1 python3 -m coverage run --branch --source . -m unittest -v

Stop the Greenmail server:

.. code:: bash

    docker container kill greenmail