
PoC analyzer of your email address exposure on various services


Mailto analyzer

Curious about how to start to improve your OPSEC for your email address, but don’t know where to start?

Analyze your emails!

Mailto analyzer will show your email address exposure on various services.


Mailto analyzer is a proof of concept tool, extracting from exported email fields "To": your names and email addresses. The trick is that you could be registered in some services or saved in contact books with different names or even with different email addresses!

According to RFC522, it's possible to use notation [email protected] for subaddressing, so every service should accept such email as unique, but all correspondence will be routed to your default mailbox anyway. Google also supports additional dots in email addresses, thus increasing amount of possible variations of your email.

Such tools as holehe could help you to check externally if you registered in some services (and reveal some of your info), but the ideal coverage you'll get if check all emails received from services: registration confirmations, notifications, and even spam!

Knowing in which service you are registered, with which name and with which email address (e.g. with a default one), you can decide to update your personal data there or change the email, complicating the search for your accounts using tools like holehe.

This tool will provide tips based on found services: how to change email addresses or remove such accounts completely quickly. If you're interested in more theory or other tools, jump to this section.


Install: pip install -r requirements.txt

Export or download your inbox emails (Google example), only MBOX format is currently supported.

./ example.mbox

See also

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