
Unofficial Python client wrapper of MyAnimeList API v2

MIT License



Unofficial Python client wrapper for v2 MyAnimeList API using the Unoffical Specification of the Official API by This is most likely temporary till the time I can get beta access to MAL's API or they release it to the public. As of July 2020, MAL has made their API public and any changes/updates done to this project from then on, will be in reference to the official documentation of the API.


PyPi: pip install malupdate


Class User:

  • User.login(username, password): Takes in username and password of MAL account as arguments and returns a loginObject (dictionary) consisting of keys access_token, expires_in, refresh_token.

  • User.myInfo(Access_Token, [field_1, field_2, ...]): Returns User Profile information and statistics (if anime_statistics field is used as argument).

  • User.getAnimeList(Access_Token, type_of_list, [field_1, field_2, ....]): Takes the access_token from the loginObject, the type of list (watching/ plan_to_watch/ completed/ on_hold/ dropped) and one or more fields as a list. Returns a JSON object (dictionary) of shows in the list.

  • User.updateList(Access_Token, show_id, {field_1: val_1, field_2: val_2 ...}): Takes the access_token from the loginObject, id of the show to be updated, a list of fields which are to be updated and their corresponding new values in dictionary form. Returns a JSON object (dictionary) of user's list with updated values.

  • User.deleteItem(Access_Token, anime_id): Takes in id of an anime and removes it from the User's list.

Class Anime:

  •, anime_name, [field_1, field_2, ...]): Takes the access_token, name of the anime and the fields to be displayed as arguments. Returns a JSON object (dictionary) of search results.

  • Anime.bySeason(Access_Token, year, season, [field_1, field_2, ...], sort="", limit=100, offset=0, nsfw=False): Takes year and season (winter/ spring/ summer /fall) as required arguments and returns a JSON object of the anime list. List can be sorted based on anime_score or anime_num_list_users in descending. By default, NSFW results are filtered out but can be enabled by setting nsfw parameter as True.

  • Anime.byRanking(Access_Token, ranking_type, [field_1, field_2, ...], limit=100, offset=0, nsfw=False): Takes in a ranking_type (all/ airing/ upcoming/ tv/ ova/ movie/ special/ bypopularity/ favorite) and returns a JSON object of the anime list. NSFW can be turned on with nsfw parameter set to True.

Things to Improve

  • Better support for pagination.
  • Possible design changes to make it more developer friendly.

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