
Tool for live presentations using manim

MIT License


Manim Slides

Tool for live presentations using either Manim (community edition) or ManimGL. Manim Slides will automatically detect the one you are using!

[!NOTE] This project extends the work of manim-presentation, with a lot more features!


Manim Slides requires either Manim or ManimGL to be installed, along with their dependencies. Please checkout the documentation for detailed install instructions.


Using Manim Slides is a two-step process:

  1. Render animations using Slide (resp. ThreeDSlide) as a base class instead
    of Scene (resp. ThreeDScene), and add calls to self.next_slide()
    every time you want to create a new slide.
  2. Run manim-slides on rendered animations and display them like a
    PowerPoint presentation.

The documentation is available online.

Basic Example

Call self.next_slide() every time you want to create a pause between animations, and self.next_slide(loop=True) if you want the next slide to loop over animations until the user presses continue:

from manim import *  # or: from manimlib import *

from manim_slides import Slide

class BasicExample(Slide):
    def construct(self):
        circle = Circle(radius=3, color=BLUE)
        dot = Dot()
        self.next_slide()  # Waits user to press continue to go to the next slide

        self.next_slide(loop=True)  # Start loop, circle), run_time=2, rate_func=linear)
        self.next_slide()  # This will start a new non-looping slide

First, render the animation files:

manim-slides render BasicExample
# or use ManimGL
manim-slides render --GL BasicExample

[!NOTE] Using manim-slides render makes sure to use the manim (or manimlib) library that was installed in the same Python environment. Put simply, this is a wrapper around manim render [ARGS]... (or manimgl [ARGS]...).

To start the presentation using Scene1, Scene2 and so on, run:

manim-slides [OPTIONS] Scene1 Scene2...

In our example:

manim-slides BasicExample

For detailed usage documentation, run manim-slides --help, or go to the documentation.

Interactive Tutorial

Click on the image to watch a slides presentation that explains to you how to use Manim Slides.

More Examples

More examples are available in the file, if you downloaded the git repository.

Comparison with Similar Tools

There exists a variety of tools that allows to create slides presentations containing Manim animations.

Below is a comparison of the most used ones with Manim Slides:

Project name Manim Slides Manim Presentation Manim Editor Jupyter Notebooks
Link GitHub Repo stars GitHub Repo stars GitHub Repo stars GitHub Repo stars
Activity GitHub Repo stars GitHub Repo stars GitHub Repo stars GitHub Repo stars
Usage Command-line Command-line Web Browser Notebook
Note Requires minimal modif. in scenes files Requires minimal modif. in scenes files Requires the usage of sections, and configuration through graphical interface Relies on nbconvert to create slides from a Notebook
Support for ManimGL Yes No No No
Web Browser presentations Yes No Yes No
Offline presentations Yes, with Qt Yes, with OpenCV No No


If you use this project, please cite it using the following reference:

	title        = {{Manim Slides: A Python package for presenting Manim content anywhere}},
	author       = {{Jérome Eertmans}},
	year         = 2023,
	month        = aug,
	journal      = {Journal of Open Source Education},
	volume       = 6,
	doi          = {10.21105/jose.00206}

or by linking this GitHub repository at the end of the presentation.


Contributions are more than welcome! Please read through our contributing section.

Reporting an Issue

If you think you found a bug, an error in the documentation, or wish there was some feature that is currently missing, we would love to hear from you!

The best way to reach us is via the GitHub issues. If your problem is not covered by an already existing (closed or open) issue, then we suggest you create a new issue. You can choose from a list of templates, or open a blank issue if your issue does not fit one of the proposed topics.

The more precise you are in the description of your problem, the faster we will be able to help you!

Seeking for help

Sometimes, you may have a question about Manim Slides, not necessarily an issue.

First, make sure to read the F.A.Q to see if your question has already been answered. If not, please follow the recommendation (from that page) to reach us for questions.


Finally, if you do not have any GitHub account, or just wish to contact the author of Manim Slides, you can do so at: [email protected].