
Open files associated with a Mendeley citation



Open files associated with a Mendeley citation.


mendeley-file can be invoked from the command line as follows:

$ ./mendeley-file key [key ...]

where key denotes the citation key as specified in Mendeley (and also the BibTeX citation key if you export your citations to BibTeX). Please note that the citation key is case-sensitive. Multiple citations keys can be provided.

If a citation has multiple files associated with it, such as the chapters of a thesis, then all those files are opened.

mendeley-file uses xdg-open to determine the user's preferred application for opening the file(s).

Integration with VIM

Let's say you have the following LaTeX text with two citations.

The goal of dimension reduction is to map a high-
dimensional data set onto a low-dimensional space

By adding the code below to your .vimrc, you can open the file by placing the cursor anywhere on the citation key and pressing <leader>pdf (my <leader> is the comma).

fun! MendeleyFile()
   let l:Command = expand("<cword>")
   execute "!~/mendeley-file/mendeley-file " . l:Command

nmap <silent> <leader>pdf :silent call MendeleyFile()<CR>


Python 2.7+


Copyright (c) Jeroen Janssens. Distributed under the simplified BSD.