

Act based on MIDI events

Installation and basic usage

Installation: The package is currently not installable, but will be made into a Python package later.

Usage: python midictl.py [-c config.py] [midi_device]. Note that this opens the raw /dev/midi* device, to avoid having to install some compiled MIDI libraries.


  • Restarts when config changes (but loses one event)

Architecture and configuration

The main entry point is listen, which parses arguments, opens the device, listens to the MIDI device, and dispatches each event to the handle function.

The handle function is called for each MIDI event that comes in. For each event, it searches the DISPATCHERS list, which is pairs of (dispatch_selector, callback_function). Any row which matches the dispatch_selector is called as callback_function(msg), where msg is the MIDI event from the mido library. Functions can do whatever.

The namedtuple class Dispatch is the dispatch selector, which has properties to select on midi events. A MIDI event is sent to each callbacks which has every given property matching the event. Dispatch properties include:

  • t: type (string: note_on, note_off, control_change,
    program_change; has shortcut symbols ON, OFF, CC, PC.)
  • ch: channel
  • n: note
  • c: control
  • p: program
  • b: look up note through BUTTONMAP to be simpler than remembering
    all nodes.
    If : note == BUTTONMAP[msg.channel][dispatcher.b]
  • val: value
  • vel: velocity
    All given selectors must
    match (AND). To implement an OR,
    one usually adds multiple similar selectors to DISPATCHERS.

It will always print event before it dispatches them, so you can start with an empty config file and slowly add things.

For an example configuration, see config.py

Available events

The following events can be triggered

  • mute: Mute PulseAudio devices

  • volume: Adjust PulseAudio volumes

  • pulse_move: Move PulseAudio inputs/outputs to different cards

  • V4L camera exposure

    • camera_exposure: Set camera exposure to value
    • camera_exposure_auto: Set camera exposure to auto mode
  • keystroke: Send a keystroke to an X11 application. Several pre-made bindings are:

    • zoom_mute: Toggle Zoom application mute
    • zoom_video: Toggle Zoom application video
    • teams_mute: Toggle Microsoft Teams mute in Chrome web browser.
  • OBS

    • obs_switch: Switch OBS scenes
  • PulseAudio mutes and volume changes. Selector is namedtuple which can select which pulse devices to operate on,

Utility functions

These functions can be used to modify other functions:

  • rate_limit: A continuous event (such as turning a knob) won't be
    called more than every rate seconds. It makes sure to call with
    the final value.
  • delay: can be used to detect long presses and similar and
    distinguish them from short presses. Example: push button quickly
    to switch to scene A, press button long to switch to scene B.

Configuration examples

Config is by default read from a config.py file, which gets executed in the module namespace so has full control of everything. Examples are below:

Turning control knob 5 adjusts the microphone volume for all items on the PulseAudio source that contains USB_Advanced in the name.

mic = Selector(t='source', name='USB_Advanced', it='*')
    (Dispatch(t=CC, c= 5), partial(volume, sel=mic)),

Mute the HDMI PluseAudio device (contains 'hdmi' in the PulseAudio name), when button 7 is pressed on channel 0. Instead of defining the button by note, set up an indirect BUTTONMAP, so that different MIDI channels have consistent button names, even if their notes are inconsistent. This saves re-programming the device just for this purpose.

    # channel: [note_for_button_id]
    0: [None, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43],
    1: [None, 35, 36, 42, 39, 37, 38, 46, 44],
    2: [None, 60, 62, 64, 65, 67, 69, 71, 72],
    3: [None, 36, 38, 40, 41, 43, 45, 47, 48],

hdmi = Selector(t='sink', name='hdmi'),
    (Dispatch(t=ON, ch=0, b= 7), partial(mute, sel=hdmi)),

Toggle Zoom mute, when you push note 43 on channel 0.

    (Dispatch(t=ON, ch=0, n=43), zoom_mute),

Turning control knob 6 on channel 0 will adjust the camera exposure setting via the v4l2 Linux camera system. If the knob is turned to zero, it will go to auto-mode. If you turn it to anything else, it will adjust the exposure

    (Dispatch(t=CC, ch=0, c= 6, val=Not(0)), partial(camera_exposure, low=50, high=500)),
    (Dispatch(t=CC, ch=0, c= 6, val=0), camera_exposure_auto),

Toggle OBS studio scenes when pushing buttons on channel 1, via the OBS websocket plugin-in.

OBS = obsws("localhost", 4444, "password")
    (Dispatch(t=ON, ch=1, b= 1), partial(obs_switch, scene='Title card')),
    (Dispatch(t=ON, ch=1, b= 5), partial(obs_switch, scene='Gallery')),

OS packages

  • xdotool
  • v4l2-utils


Alpha, active development. But works and somewhat stable.