
Store Python objects in SQLite 3. Concise, pythonic API. Easy to write, relatively easy to read. A kind of super simple ORM, if you will. Give it a try.

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minidb: simple python object store

Store Python objects in SQLite 3. Concise, pythonic API. Fun to use.


Let's start by importing the minidb module in Python 3:

>>> import minidb

To create a store in memory, we simply instantiate a minidb.Store, optionally telling it to output SQL statements as debug output:

>>> db = minidb.Store(debug=True)

If you want to persist into a file, simply pass in a filename as the first parameter when creating the minidb.Store:

>>> db = minidb.Store('filename.db', debug=True)

Note that for persisting data into the file, you actually need to call db.close() to flush the changes to disk, and optionally db.commit() if you want to save the changes to disk without closing the database.

By default, minidb executes VACUUM on the SQLite database on close. You can opt-out of this behaviour by passing vacuum_on_close=False to the minidb.Store constructor. You can manually execute a VACUUM by calling .vacuum() on the minidb.Store object, this helps reduce the file size in case you delete many objects at once. See the SQLite VACUUM docs for details.

To actually store objects, we need to subclass from minidb.Model (which takes care of all the behind-the-scenes magic for making your class persistable, and adds methods for working with the database):

>>> class Person(minidb.Model):
...     name = str
...     email = str
...     age = int

Every subclass of minidb.Model will also have a "id" attribute that is None if an instance is not stored in the database, or an automatically assigned value if it is in the database. This uniquely identifies an object in the database.

Now it's time to register our minidb.Model subclass with the store:

>>> db.register(Person)

This will check if the table exists, and create the necessary structure (this output appears only when debug=True is passed to minidb.Store's constructor):

: PRAGMA table_info(Person)
                       name TEXT,
                       email TEXT,
                       age INTEGER)

Now you can create instances of your minidb.Model subclass, optionally passing keyword arguments that will be used to initialize the fields:

>>> p = Person(name='Hello World', email='[email protected]', age=99)
>>> p
<Person(id=None, name='Hello World', email='[email protected]', age=99)>

To store this object in the database, use .save() on the instance with the store as sole argument:


In debug mode, we will see how it stores the object in the database:

: INSERT INTO Person (name, email, age) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
  ['Hello World', '[email protected]', '99']

Also, it will now have its "id" attribute assigned:

>>> p
<Person(id=1, name='Hello World', email='[email protected]', age=99)>

The instance will remember the last minidb.Store object it was saved into or the minidb.Store object from which it was loaded, so you can leave it out the next time you want to save the object:

>>> = 'Hello Again'

Again, the store will figure out what needs to be done:

: UPDATE Person SET name=?, email=?, age=? WHERE id=?
  ['Hello Again', '[email protected]', '99', 1]

Now, let's insert some more data, just for fun:

>>> for i in range(10):
...     Person(name='Hello', email='[email protected]', age=10+i*3).save(db)

Now that we have some objects in the database, let's query all elements, and also let's output if any of those loaded objects is the same object as p:

>>> for person in Person.load(db):
...     print(person, person is p)

The SQL query that is executed by Person.load() is:

: SELECT id, name, email, age FROM Person

The output of the load looks like this:

<Person(id=1, name='Hello Again', email='[email protected]', age=99)> True
<Person(id=2, name='Hello', email='[email protected]', age=10)> False
<Person(id=3, name='Hello', email='[email protected]', age=13)> False
<Person(id=4, name='Hello', email='[email protected]', age=16)> False
<Person(id=5, name='Hello', email='[email protected]', age=19)> False
<Person(id=6, name='Hello', email='[email protected]', age=22)> False
<Person(id=7, name='Hello', email='[email protected]', age=25)> False
<Person(id=8, name='Hello', email='[email protected]', age=28)> False
<Person(id=9, name='Hello', email='[email protected]', age=31)> False
<Person(id=10, name='Hello', email='[email protected]', age=34)> False
<Person(id=11, name='Hello', email='[email protected]', age=37)> False

Note that the first object retrieved is actually the object p (there's no new object created, it's the same). minidb caches objects as long as you have a reference to them around, and will be able to retrieve those objects instead. This makes sure that all objects stay in sync, let's try modifying an object returned by Person.get(), a function that retrieves exactly one object:

>>> print(
Hello Again
>>> Person.get(db, id=1).name = 'Hello'
>>> print(

Now, let's try some more fancy queries. The minidb.Model subclass has a class attribute called "c" that can be used to reference to the columns/attributes:

>>> Person.c
<Columns for Person (name, email, age)>

For example, we can query all objects for which age is between 16 and 50

>>> Person.load(db, (Person.c.age >= 16) & (Person.c.age <= 50))

This will run the following SQL query:

: SELECT id, name, email, age FROM Person WHERE ( age >= ? ) AND ( age <= ? )
  [16, 50]

Instead of querying for full objects, you can also query for columns, for example, we can find out the minimum and maximum age value in the table:

>>> next(Person.query(db, Person.c.age.min // Person.c.age.max))
(10, 99)

The corresponding query looks like this:

: SELECT min(age), max(age) FROM Person

Note that column1 // column2 is syntactic sugar for the more verbose syntax of minidb.columns(column1, column2). The .query() method returns a generator of rows, you can get a single row via the Python built-in next(). Each row can be accessed in different ways:

  1. As tuple (this is also the default representation when printing a row)
  2. As dictionary
  3. As object with attributes

For example, as a dictionary:

>>> dict(next(Person.query(db, Person.c.age.min)))
{'min(age)': 10}

If you want to have nicer names, you can give your result columns names:

>>> dict(next(Person.query(db, Person.c.age.min('minimum_age'))))
{'minimum_age': 10}

The generated SQL query for renaming looks like this:

: SELECT min(age) AS minimum_age FROM Person

And of course, you can access the column using attribute access:

>>> next(Person.query(db, Person.c.age.min('minimum_age'))).minimum_age

There is also support for SQL's ORDER BY, GROUP_BY and LIMIT, as optional keyword arguments to .query():

>>> list(Person.query(db, // Person.c.age,
...                   order_by=Person.c.age.desc, limit=5))

To save typing, you can do:


>>> ( //

>>> ( // Person.c.age).query(db, order_by=lamdba c: c.age.desc)

>>> Person.query(db, lambda c: //

See for more examples.

Extracted from project README