
A simple scheme interpreter in Python


Minimal scheme: a toy scheme interpreter written in Python


This is a from-scratch Scheme implementation written for pleasure and education purposes only. It is targetting R5RS (HTML copy of spec), or at least an interesting subset of it. I'd also like it to run the code in SICP.

All functionality is implemented with corresponding tests. Functions are generally thorough with their error messages, and we strive to give informative error messages.


$ virtualenv ~/.py_envs/scheme -p python3
$ . ~/.py_envs/scheme/bin/activate
(scheme)$ pip install -r requirements.pip

Interactive usage

(scheme)$ ./repl
Welcome to Minimal Scheme 0.1 alpha.
scheme> (+ 1 1)

Script usage

(scheme)$ python interpreter/ examples/hello-world.scm
hello world

Running the tests

(scheme)$ nosetests interpreter/


The terms primitive, built-in and standard function are used to refer to different things in minimal scheme.

A primitive is written in Python and controls whether or not it evaluates its arguments.

A built-in is written in Python but has all its arguments evaluated automatically.

A standard function is written in Scheme.

Functionality implemented


define, lambda, if, begin, quote, eqv?, eq?, quasiquote, unquote, unquote-splicing




cond, not, and (binary only), or (binary only)

Integers and floats

number?, complex?, rational?, real?, exact?, inexact?, +, -, *, /, <, <=, >, >=, =, zero?, positive?, negative?, odd?, even?, abs, quotient, modulo, remainder, exp, log

No support for exact fractions or complex numbers.


char?, char=?, char<?, char>?, char<=?, char>=?


car, cdr, caar, cadr, cdar, cddr, cons, null?, pair?, list, length, set-car!, set-cdr!


map (unary only), for-each (unary only), procedure?, apply


make-vector, vector?, vector-ref, vector-set!, vector-length, vector, vector->list, list->vector, vector-fill!

No distinction between constant vectors and normal vectors.


string?, make-string, string-length, string-ref, string-set!




display, newline (both stdout only)


Comments work too!

Bugs and tasks

Unimplemented features

  • Hygenic R5RS Macros
  • Tail call optimisation
  • Variadic lambdas
  • Nested define statements
  • File I/O
  • Closures

Known bugs

  • (eq? 1 1.0)
  • Error checking in exact and inexact
  • / doesn't check type of arguments
  • car crashes on non-lists
  • No external representations for defmacro
  • String literals are mutable (so string-set! violates specification)
  • List literals are mutable (so set-car! would violate specification)
  • Using set-cdr! to make a circular list crashes
  • Remainder is not defined for floating point numbers
  • Interpreter is case sensitive
  • Complex returns true on real numbers
  • cond doesn't allow multiple statements after a conditional

Cleanup tasks

  • Add slice support for our linked list, then clean up variadic
    function stuff
  • Remove eval_program -- it's just
    map(eval_s_expression, s_expressions)
  • Rename internal_result to actual_result in
  • Fix width of
  • Distinguish between incorrect type errors and incorrect arity
    errors, printing accordingly
  • Need a check_type() function
  • Move the more complex maths operations (exp, log etc) to library.scm
  • Add a base class for Nil and Cons
  • Add assertions to atoms to make sure they only hold the correct type
  • Add tests for type checking on built-ins and primitives
  • Test type coercion for arithmetic (e.g. (+ 1 2.0))
  • Test external representations

Future ideas

  • Compare with other Scheme interpreters written in Python for
    elegance of approach, error friendliness, performance, test coverage
  • Stack traces on error with line numbers
  • Add documentation via docco
  • Remove PLY dependency
  • Explore R5RS compliance with


There's also a skeleton compiler here, this is based on the paper An Incremental Approach to Compiler Construction.