
missing data handing: visualize and impute

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missing data visualization and imputation


To provide an easy to use yet thorough assessment of missing values in one's dataset:

  • in addition to the blackholes plot bellow,
  • show the variable-to-variable, subject-to-subject co-missingness, and
  • quantify the TYPE of missingness etc


    To easily manage your data with missing values etc, I strongly recommend you to move away from CSV files and start managing your data in self-contained flexible data structures like `pyradigm <http://github.com/raamana/pyradigm>`_, as your data, as well your needs, will only get bigger & more complicated e.g. with mixed-types, missing values and large number of groups.

These would be great contributions if you have time.


* visualization
* imputation (coming!)
* other handling

blackholes plot

.. image:: docs/flyer.png


  • Software is beta and under dev. Update regularly and quite often!!
  • Contributions most welcome, esp. reporting bugs and improving usability.


.. code-block:: bash

pip install -U missingdata

We encourage you to update quite often, when you run into any issues.


Take a look at the help text first before diving in to use it - with the following code:

.. code-block:: python

from missingdata import blackholes

I encourage you to read the text for each parameter carefully to understand the behaviour of this plotting mechanism.

.. note::

If you don't see any labels (for rows or columns), when you try the blackholes plot for the first time, it may be because the total effective number of rows/cols being displayed, after applying ``filter_spec_*``, exceeded a preset number (60/80) and we removed the labels to avoid them getting occluded or becoming illegible. You can use the parameter freq_thresh_show_labels to bring the effective number of rows/cols down to display to a smaller number, or pass ``show_all_labels=True`` to force the display of labels. If number of subjects or variables is large, you may want to increase ``figsize`` (width or height), to minimize occlusion and improve label readability.

**Also**, the defaults chosen may not work for you, hence I strongly encourage you to control as many parameters as needed to customize the plot to your liking. If a feature you need is not served currently, send a PR with improvements, or open an issue. Thanks.

Let's say you have all the data in a pandas DataFrame, where subject IDs are in a 'sub_ids' column and variable names are in a 'var_names' column, and they belong to groups identified by sub_class and var_group, you can use the following code produce the blackholes plot:

.. code-block:: python

           label_rows_with='sub_ids', label_cols_with='var_names',
           group_rows_by=sub_class, group_cols_by=var_group)

If you were interested in seeing subjects/variables with least amount of missing data, you can control miss perc window with filter_spec_samples and/or filter_spec_variables by passing a tuple of two floats e.g. (0, 0.1) which will filter away those with more than 10% of missing data.

.. code-block:: python

           label_rows_with='sub_ids', label_cols_with='var_names',
           filter_spec_samples=(0, 0.1))

The other parameters for the function are self-explanatory.

Please open an issue <https://github.com/raamana/missingdata/issues/new>_ if you find something confusing, or have feedback to improve, or identify a bug. Thanks.


If you find this package useful, I'd greatly appreciate if cite this package via:

.. parsed-literal::

Pradeep Reddy Raamana, (2019), "missingdata python library for visualization and handling of missing values" (Version v0.1). Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3352336
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3352336
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