
Application-layer Key Generator supporting JWK (JSON Web Key) and PASERK (Platform-Agnostic Serialized Keys).

MIT License


mkkey - Application-Layer Key (JWK/PASERK) Generator

mkkey is a CLI tool for generating following application-layer keys:

Until now, in order to create a JWK, you had to create a PEM-formatted key pair using a command such as openssl, and then load it and convert it into a JWK. With mkkey, you can directly and easily create JWKs and PASERKs that can be used in applications as shown below, without generating intermediate keys (PEM-formatted keys):



You can install mkkey with pip:

$ pip install mkkey

If the shell you are using is bash, zsh or fish, you can activate tab completion by following the steps below:

  1. Run mkkey --install.
  2. Follow the steps described in the output of mkkey --install.

Basic Usage

JWK (JSON Web Key)

JWKs can be generated using the mkkey jwk command.

Typical use cases are shown in this section but for details, see help:

$ mkkey jwk --help

Generate a simple (default) JWK

The simplest way to use mkkey jwt is as follows. Simply specify a key type (in this case, ec). Now you will get the minimum JWK you need.

$ mkkey jwk ec
    "public": {
        "jwk": {
            "kty": "EC",
            "crv": "P-256",
            "x": "Ti-mNoi-uQFYBVNkH6BSmuTAd8WL8kyEVJufZYv3mG8",
            "y": "ANwoZQFI_teNrltM0s9LPjWli0_zyYvvv8cEZWKx1CQ"
    "secret": {
        "jwk": {
            "kty": "EC",
            "crv": "P-256",
            "x": "Ti-mNoi-uQFYBVNkH6BSmuTAd8WL8kyEVJufZYv3mG8",
            "y": "ANwoZQFI_teNrltM0s9LPjWli0_zyYvvv8cEZWKx1CQ",
            "d": "l9Pbq0BmCsOzdapBtSxVpRiHhDTK5-ATteA0nMKzvFU"

In addtion to ec, rsa and okp (Octet Key Pair) can be used as key types:

$ mkkey jwk rsa
$ mkkey jwk okp

Generate a JWK with specifying curve

If you want to use a curve other than P-256, use the --crv option:

$ mkkey jwk ec --crv P-384

Generate a JWK with optional attributes

If you want to include kid, alg, use and key_ops in the JWK, use the --kid, --alg, --use, and --key-ops respectively:

$ mkkey jwk ec --kid 01 --alg ES256 --use sig --key-ops
    "public": {
        "jwk": {
            "kid": "01",
            "kty": "EC",
            "crv": "P-256",
            "alg": "ES256",
            "use": "sig",
            "key_ops": ["verify"],
            "x": "qg-3SA7jNvG7DPF8ajuRR69d5LoBz-I8Xg4ze1kjdHs",
            "y": "JctPLnWOeyJM3apWxyEX3bHDo97kel4gdI8x0FlTwHc"
    "secret": {
        "jwk": {
            "kid": "01",
            "kty": "EC",
            "crv": "P-256",
            "alg": "ES256",
            "use": "sig",
            "key_ops": ["sign"],
            "x": "qg-3SA7jNvG7DPF8ajuRR69d5LoBz-I8Xg4ze1kjdHs",
            "y": "JctPLnWOeyJM3apWxyEX3bHDo97kel4gdI8x0FlTwHc",
            "d": "GZ9ihMNwYYbglWHV8vau-W5gaZal5ajBb_NiY7Ci7Uk"

Generate a JWK with kid generation method

kid can also be generated automatically. In this case, use --kid-type to specify the generation method. For now, only sha256 (see kid generation methods for JWK) is available. You can adjust the size of the auto-generated kid by using --kid-size as well:

$ mkkey jwk ec --kid-type sha256 --kid-size 16
    "public": {
        "jwk": {
            "kid": "ozh_CYlRd3A1f2RLlA3Y5w",
            "kty": "EC",
            "crv": "P-256",
            "x": "hDuMnnmlnFAKMsn-qP37XsKchg6K0bXPhsFgmWOpnVw",
            "y": "_oQgP8b8V0hC_H73gIVBaMylAoTOA4mwM57Y2hC2xIk"
    "secret": {
        "jwk": {
            "kid": "ozh_CYlRd3A1f2RLlA3Y5w",
            "kty": "EC",
            "crv": "P-256",
            "x": "hDuMnnmlnFAKMsn-qP37XsKchg6K0bXPhsFgmWOpnVw",
            "y": "_oQgP8b8V0hC_H73gIVBaMylAoTOA4mwM57Y2hC2xIk",
            "d": "1b0lNEiyV_C8U0fGXDczfwTrKnHpWwjt_OU0H-MLJvs"

PASERK (Platform-Agnostic Serialized Keys)

PASERKs can be generated using the mkkey paserk command.

Typical use cases are shown in this section but for details, see help:

$ mkkey paserk --help

Generate a PASERK

PASERKs can be generated using the mkkey paserk command with a target PASETO version and a purpose (in this case, v4 and public respectively).

$ mkkey paserk v4 public
    "public": {
        "paserk": "k4.public.2BWUTPg5pmXZ3EVrOBv9I4I_F8Afj0TJ21HkaPT926M"
    "secret": {
        "paserk": "k4.secret.fKIawV2PPVpEONDcEH3_p1dc4OEYlTncmMa8gvwMVy_YFZRM-DmmZdncRWs4G_0jgj8XwB-PRMnbUeRo9P3bow"

Generate a PASERK along with a PASERK ID

If you want to generate a PASERK ID (kid) along with a PASERK, use the --kid option:

$ mkkey paserk v4 public --kid
    "public": {
        "kid": "",
        "paserk": "k4.public.Qo7ipKpEa2RxCqmVXSpHdRbWMGtg9QsesMUbLQfU_Pw"
    "secret": {
        "kid": "k4.sid.v1091k4VuZOEKfIO5hLByGwK-RP6dFhfaltURc4CFkUd",
        "paserk": "k4.secret.0h5Q2HDR8PbFMZhN8z7iXbbCyn5-bRQdNPRYIglvnWdCjuKkqkRrZHEKqZVdKkd1FtYwa2D1Cx6wxRstB9T8_A"

Generate a PASERK wrapped using password-based encryption

If you want to wrap a secret PASERK with password-based encryption, use the --password option:

$ mkkey paserk v4 public --password mysecretpassword
    "public": {
        "paserk": "k4.public.qRUKsDFUDgi0zKuvax9fIEmaeRjyVdLqRMDli0YTDC0"
    "secret": {
        "paserk": "k4.secret-pw.62BwtRDohBqFGR-ohJau2AAAAAAA8AAAAAAAAgAAAAHToEnMr1aNWaJsfwxfjHiZkVqdfn8cuMqIburaesjyt7Un-UKE3Umdi3T2YnrNjoie_BGCFguNk_Q2C7qpKC6nehvr6oM3p-4BzrfZLzmKX7jqfgZlC9xZHe0NFfH5DphWqVfPZ5hoUv8gCYKhz7vZ1lyXNgbuCFI"

Generate a PASERK wrapped by another symmetric key

If you want to wrap a secret PASERK by another symmetric key, use the --wrapping-key option:

$ mkkey paserk v4 public --wrapping-key 123456789abcdefghi
    "public": {
        "paserk": "k4.public.Dpdjm_Dd_4t7lzePcWkFLTPBQSBRwB-XZIJnpGbQcf0"
    "secret": {
        "paserk": "k4.secret-wrap.pie.aIbROal8a-FxyTddcC8cny98i-1IuZ5UrwBD64AZDt8b6_9z0DidT7KVKoyK9mTGwtTSSUFtRT9BYdkUc4kZJy0zio12KSw3hwkLqzYPtgUtxBqwlCIb9D2ug-2eaJw67iv1sNV4ovQsutSumob-po6Bt0IwoFXX0bDOVWHHqV8"

kid generation methods for JWK

Following kid generation methods are available that can be specified as --kid-type option:

  • sha256: Use a SHA256 hash value of DER formatted public key as a kid value. The DER format must be SubjectPublicKeyInfo which is the typical public key format and consists of an algorithm identifier and the public key bytes.
  • none: Do not generate kid [default].


We welcome all kind of contributions, filing issues, suggesting new features or sending PRs.