
Various technology deployments, tools & code

MIT License


Matihost's Monorepo

Various technology deployments, tools & code:

  • k8s

    • helm deployments:
      • echoserver - Helm setup for echoserver (Minikube/GKE)
      • mq - Helm based setup for IBM MQ (Minikube/GKE)
    • minikube - various script for native Minikube deployment under Ubuntu desktop
    • gatekeeper - Ansible based GateKeeper deployment for Minikube or GKE
    • gh-arc - Ansible based GitHub Actions Runner Controller deployment for Minikube or GKE
    • istio - Ansible based Istio deployment for Minikube or GKE
    • jenkins - Ansible based Jenkins deployment for Minikube or GKE
    • okd - OKD clusters deployments:
      • okd4 - scripts to install OKD 4 on GCP
      • okd3 - Ansible playbooks to setup OpenShift/OKD 3 on VirtualBox VMs
    • images - docker images useful in other repos
      • ansible - docker image with Ansible, available at:
      • jenkins - docker image with Jenkins and predefined plugins, available at:
      • buildah - experiments with buildah
      • and usually each app has also Makefile task to build its docker image as well
  • terraform/tofu

    • gcp - Open Tofu (open source version of Terraform) and Terragrunt deployment for GCP
      • apigee - ApigeeX Free Tier setup with XLB, sample API proxies etc.
      • gke - GKE deployment along with optional components (Anthos, config-sync, workflow identity, etc)
      • keycloak - Cloud Run, CloudSQL exposed over GLB deployment of Keycloak IAM/IDP software
      • ghost - Cloud Run, CloudSQL exposed over GLB deployment of Ghost software
      • minecraft-server - secure HA setup for Minecraft (VM, LB, hourly backups, auto-shutdown for night cloud functions etc)
      • gcp-open-vpn - OpenVPN setup supporting dial-in VPN in GCP (GCP VPN services does not support this mode), useful to work under GCP w/o need to expose services over external ip/xlb etc. It supports DNS sharing as well.
      • gcp-iam - setup IAM resources needed on fresh GCP account
      • gcp-network-setup - setup VPC and other minimal networking resources for futher deployments
      • gcp-biguery-dataset - basic config for BigQuery
      • gcp-kms - setup KMS keyrings, keys etc for other scripts
      • gcp-monitoring - setup logging buckets, custom dashboards, limits etc
      • gcp-workstations - setup GCP Workstations infrastructure for remote development
      • gcp-cloudbuild - setup GCP Cloud Build infrastructure to trigger build for GitHub repository
    • aws - Terragrunt / OpenTofu deployments for AWS, mainly utilizing only AWS Free Tier
      • aws-serverless - sample API app based on Python Fast API and Serverless Framework deployment
      • aws-site - sample web site exposure via S3 and CloudFront
      • aws-iam-management, aws-iam-linked - setup IAM resources needed on fresh AWS management account (users, roles, groups etc) and subsequent linked AWS accounts
      • aws-network-setup - minimal AWS recommended setup with private subnet
      • aws-instance - minimal VM setup
      • aws-alb - Application Load Balancer usage
      • aws-jenkins - Jenkins deployment as AWS VMs, Packer images for Jenkins Agents
      • aws-lambda - sample AWS Lambda emulating a client hitting EC2 instance with AWS ApiGateway exposure
      • aws-glue - sample AWS Glue / Apache Spark job wih PCI credit card removal in S3 bucket
      • aws-ecs - sample AWS ECS Services deployment
      • aws-rds - sample AWS RDS Aurora Serverless v2 PosrgreSQL setup
    • ibm - Terragrunt / OpenTofu deployments for IBM Cloud
      • ibm-iam - setup IAM resources needed on fresh IBM account (resource group)
      • ibm-network-setup - minimal IBM Cloud recommended network setup
      • ibm-alb - Application and Network Load Balancer usage
      • ibm-ocp - IBM RedHat OpenShift Kubernetes Service (ROKS) deployment
    • azure - Terragrunt / OpenTofu deployments for Azure
      • ibm-entraid - setup IAM resource needed on fresh Azure subscription (resource group)
  • scripts - various bash scripts (tools for TLS handling, K8S etc.)

  • vagrant - CentOS VM buildout with Vagrant with various Linux networking tools examples

  • algorithms - Java based project solving various problems

  • ansible

    • system - script to provision/update and keep clean home Ubuntu based desktop environment
    • envoy - envoy deployment with various use cases
    • learning - various tricks in Ansible
  • go

    • learning - various language tricks in Golang
  • java - multi-module Maven project with

    • command-line - example app retrieving exchange rates
    • mq - IBM Java client application
    • library - Groovy, Spock and Scala interaction examples
  • python

    • exchange-rate - example app retrieving exchange rates
    • tools
      • automount-cifs - to setup Linux automount svc with home SAMBA NFS
      • setup-opendns - to setup regular update of OpenDNS with home public ip
  • rust - sample Rust example

  • github actions, jenkins, travis, gcp cloudbuild - various Continous Integration toolset integration