
MSA Transformer reproduction code




Create a fresh conda environment and install requirements:

# Install miniconda if you don't have it:
wget -O \
    && bash -b -p ${HOME}/miniconda \
    && rm \
    && ${HOME}/miniconda/bin/conda init \
    && source ${HOME}/.bashrc

# Create conda environment for this project
conda create -n proteins "python>=3.8,<3.9" pytorch cudatoolkit=10.2 ipython cython -c pytorch
conda activate proteins

# Install pypi packages
pip install -r requirements.txt

# (Optional) Install apex for fp16 training
git clone
cd apex
pip install . --no-cache-dir --global-option="--cpp_ext" --global-option="--cuda_ext"


If you are on highland, protein sequences for training are located at /data/proteins/uniref/uniref50/train.fasta. Protein structure data is located at /data/proteins/trrosetta, based on the trRosetta paper from Yang et al. 2020.

Sequence Data

Sequence data is 95% of Uniref50 sequences. This can be read into a pytorch dataset using the FastaDataset option of evo (see here). FastaDataset caches the offsets (in bytes) for each sequence in <dataset-path>.idx.npy. Then, it can use file seek + read to random access any sequence in the file. Here's an example:

>>> from evo.dataset import FastaDataset

>>> data = FastaDataset("/data/proteins/uniref/uniref50/train.fasta", cache_indices=True)
>>> data[3000]


The standard ESM model can be trained using the script in Configuration is done using hydra, which is a structured configuration scheme. The following command will train ESM using 12 GPUs:

python \
    data.fasta_path=/data/proteins/uniref/uniref50/train.fasta data.trrosetta_path=/data/proteins/trrosetta \
    train.gpus=4 train.accumulate_grad_batches=16 train.distributed_backend=ddp train.precision=16

When debugging, you can add the flag fast_dev_run=True, which will run 1 training and 1 validation step and then stop.

Training the Performer

To use performer attention instead of standard attention, you can add the flag model.layer.attention_type=performer. See the model section for more details.


Model code is located in two files: and

This file contains the top-layer of models, along with configuration objects. As a simple example, you can search for the attention_type variable, and see how the configuration of standard vs. performer attention is implemented.

This file contains all other pytorch modules (intermediate layers). In particular, Performer attention is implemented on line 628. Any attention function should implement the following interface for the forward function:

def forward(
    x: torch.Tensor,
    key_padding_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
    need_weights: bool = False,
    attn_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
    need_head_weights: bool = False,
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
    """ Self-attention update, including computing QKV matrices and performing an output projection.
        x (torch.Tensor): Input of shape [L x B x D]
        key_padding_mask (Optional[torch.Tensor]): Boolean mask of shape [B x L]. True if position in x is padded.
        need_weights (bool): Whether to return the attention weights or to return None.
        attn_mask (Optional[torch.Tensor]): Dummy variable, kept for compatibility with fairseq.
        need_head_weights (bool): If False, take a mean over the attention heads when returning attention weights.

        Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: attention update and attention weight tensors

When starting an implementation, don't worry too much about the flags other than the input x. Just ensure you return the attention update and attention weight tensors. Then, go back and add in the fix for padded positions. Finally, consider whether you can use the need_weights flags to optimize anything (if you don't need to return attention weights, maybe you don't need to compute them explicitly - especially true for linear attention models.)