
Add different kinds of data: Youtube videos, PDFs, Internet links and ask questions based on the content provided using an intuitive UI.


What is Multitype-LLM-Chat?

  • A basic POC for a RAG-based chatbot that can be used for a variety of purposes.

  • This is an AI-powered tool made for researching, by augmenting GPT models with your own data.

  • We recommend using a 'chat' instance within the app for a singular purpose. For example, you can use it to research a specific large legal document, but adding other documents will likely confuse the model and you are likely to get mixed results.

  • The app is currently in development and is not ready for production use. One can use it locally by following the instructions below.


You can check the app architecture in the diagram located into /assets

How to start

Initialize the database

  • Create a new database in your local mysql server or use a remote one like PlanetScale
  • Add DATABASE_URL in your .env file
  • Initialize your new database with the schema:
pnpm run db:push

Start the weaviate vector database via docker-compose

cd ./indexing-service
docker-compose up

Initialize the indexing service

bash cd ../indexing-service

Create a new virtual environment and install the dependencies

python -m venv .venv

Activate the new virtual environment

source .venv/bin/activate

Install the dependencies from the requirements.txt file

pip install -r requirements.txt

Start the Flask API.


Initialize the web app

 cd web
 pnpm install
pnpm dev