
Explore the double-descent phenomena in the context of system identification. Companion code to the paper (https

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Double-descent in system identification

Next, we explore the double-descent phenomena in the context of system identification. This is the companion code to the paper (

Beyond Occams Razor in System Identification: Double-Descent Phenomena when Modeling Dynamics.
Antnio H. Ribeiro, Johannes N. Hendriks, Adrian G. Wills, Thomas B. Schn, 2020.
arXiv: 2012.06341

BibTex formatted citation:

      title={Beyond Occam's Razor in System Identification: Double-Descent when Modeling Dynamics}, 
      author={Antnio H. Ribeiro and Johannes N. Hendriks and Adrian G. Wills and Thomas B. Schn},


We use standard packages: Numpy, Scipy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, Pytorch and Matplotlib... The file requirements.txt gives the version under which the repository was tested against, but we believe the code might still compatible with older versions of these packages.

Folder structure:

  • Contain the implementation of the available models to be
    tested. Options are:
Models Description
RBFSampler Approximates feature map of an RBF kernel by Monte Carlo approximation of its Fourier transform (See here).
RBFNet Radial basis function network.
RandomForest A random forest regressor (See here).
FullyConnectedNet A n-layer fully conected neural network implemented in pytorch.
LinearModel Linear model adjusted by least-squares
  • Contain implementations of available datasets to be used in the experiments. Also contain
    methods and abstract classes to help in the implementation of new artificially generated datasets.
Datasets Description
ChenDSet Nonlinear dataset (generated artificially). See Ref. [1]
Order2LinearDSet Linear second order dataset (generated artificially).
CoupledEletricalDrives Nonlinear dataset collected from physical system: see here.

The module can also be called from the command line as an script:

python --dset [DSET]

which will plot the input and output from the dataset. Where [DSET] is one of the options in the table above.

  • train/load model, evaluate on dataset, compute metric
    and plot prediction on the specified split. Run it as:

with the option --dset [DSET] specifying the dataset (check the table above for available options); --split [SPLIT] where SPLIT is in {train, test} specify which split is being evaluated. --tp [TP] where TP is in {pred, sim} specify weather one-step-ahead or free-run-simulation is being used. Use --help to get a full list of options.

  • train model and evaluate on dataset for varying number of features. Run it as:

with the option --dset [DSET] specifying the dataset (check the table above for available options); --nonlinear_model [MDL] specifying the model (all the options in the table above are available, except for linear model); --output [FILE] specify where to save the results. By default save in performance.csv. Use --help to get a full list of options.

  • generate plot of performance vs model size curve, using the output
    of Run it as:
python [FILE]

where FILE is the file generated by

  • generate all figures that displayed in this file and place them in img/.

  • generate all the figures used in the paper Beyond Occams Razor in System Identification: Double-Descent Phenomena when Modeling Dynamics.There is some overlap with the figures generated by the last command. However, this commands, yield the figures with the exact same style and size used in the paper.


In the paper we focus on the two datasets:


Generate nonlinear system described in Chen et al (1990). One example of input and correspondent output generated by such a system is displayed next: input output plot chen data

# The above plot can be generated by running:
python --dset ChenDSet


Nonlinear system described in Wigren et al (2017). One example of input and correspondent output generated by such a system is displayed next:

PRBS Sequence Uniform Sequence
# The above plot can be generated by running:
 python --dset CoupledElectricalDrives --sequence 0
 python --dset CoupledElectricalDrives --sequence 3


Next we describe some experiments where we observed the double descent phenomenon. The table bellow describes: the model; whether the model is linear in the parameters or nor; th dataset; where the experiment is referenced in the paper Beyond Occams Razor in System Identification: Double-Descent Phenomena when Modeling Dynamics.

Model Lin.-in-the-param. Dataset Overp. Solution Reference in the paper
#1. RBFSampler Yes ChenDSet Minimun-norm Fig. 2
#2. RBFSampler Yes ChenDSet Ridge Fig. 3
#3. RBFSampler Yes ChenDSet Ensembles Fig. 4
#4. RBFNet Yes ChenDSet Ensembles Fig. 5
#5. RBFSampler Yes CE8 Ensembles Fig. 1
#6. Random Forest No ChenDSet Ensembles Fig. 6

The command python can take more than 30 min in some of the examples bellow. For convenience, the csv output files that would be generated as output are made available in the folder results/ is. So skip to the command if you want to reuse those pre-computed results or reduce -n [N] and -r [R] if you want a partial result faster.

#1. Random Fourier Features using Minimum Norm Solution

Next we show the double descent both for one-step-ahead error (left) and for free-run simulation error (center), as well as the norm of the parameters (right). The baseline is the performance of a linear model.

One-step-ahead error Free-run simulation error Parameter Norm
ChenDSet / RBFSampler ChenDSet / RBFSampler ChenDSet / RBFSampler
# The above plots can be generated by running:
# 1. Generating results
DSET="-d ChenDSet --cutoff_freq 0.7 --hold 1 --num_train_samples 400"
MODEL="-m RBFSampler  --gamma 0.6"
python $DSET $MODEL -n 100 -r 10 -u 3 -o results/chen/rbfsampler.csv  
# 2. Plotting:
python results/chen/rbfsampler.csv --tp pred --ymax 1.5 --plot_style ggplot # left plot (<-) 
python results/chen/rbfsampler.csv --tp sim --ymax 4.0 --plot_style ggplot # center plot (<>) 
python results/chen/rbfsampler.csv --tp norm --plot_style ggplot  # right plot (->) 

Next, we show plots of the model free-run simulation in the test set in the interpolation and classical regions. More the best RBFSampler in each region from all the runs above. This should help geting a better sense of how the model perform on each point of the curve.

Before interpolation threshold (# features = 149 ) After interpolation threshold (# features = 40000 )
ChenDSet / RBFSampler ChenDSet / RBFSampler
# The above plots can be generated by running:
python $DSET $MODEL --n_features 149 --random_state 7  # left plot (<-)
python $DSET $MODEL --n_features 40000 --random_state 7 # right plot (->)

#2. Random Fourier Features and ridge regression

# The above plots can be generated by running:
# 1. Generating results
DSET="-d ChenDSet --cutoff_freq 0.7 --hold 1 --num_train_samples 400"
MODEL="-m RBFSampler  --gamma 0.6"
for RIDGE in 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001 0.0000001;
    python $DSET $MODEL -n 100 -r 10 -u 3 -o results/chen/rbfsampler_r"$RIDGE".csv --ridge $RIDGE
# 2. Plotting
python results/chen/rbfsampler.csv  results/chen/rbfsampler_r{0.01,0.001,0.0001,0.00001,0.000001}.csv  \
  --labels  "min-norm"  "\$\lambda=10^{-2}\$" "\$\lambda=10^{-3}\$" "\$\lambda=10^{-4}\$" "\$\lambda=10^{-5}\$" "\$\lambda=10^{-6}\$" \
  --ymax 1.5 --plot_style ggplot

#3. Random Fourier Features and ensembles

One-step-ahead error Free-run simulation error Parameter Norm
ChenDSet / RBFSampler ChenDSet / RBFSampler ChenDSet / RBFSampler
# The above plots can be generated by running:
# 1. Generating results
DSET="-d ChenDSet --cutoff_freq 0.7 --hold 1 --num_train_samples 400"
MODEL="-m RBFSampler  --gamma 0.6  --ridge 0.0000001 --n_ensembles 1000"
python $DSET $MODEL -n 100 -r 10 -u 3 -o results/chen/rbfsample_ensemble.csv
# 2. Plotting
python results/chen/rbfsample_ensemble.csv --tp pred --ymax 1.5 --plot_style ggplot # left plot (<-) 
python results/chen/rbfsample_ensemble.csv --tp sim --ymax 4.0 --plot_style ggplot # center plot (<>) 
python results/chen/rbfsample_ensemble.csv --tp norm --plot_style ggplot  # right plot (->) 

#4. RBFNet

# The above plots can be generated by:
# 1. Generating results
DSET="-d ChenDSet --cutoff_freq 0.5 --hold 1 --num_train_samples 400"
MODEL="-m RBFNet  --gamma 0.25 --spread 5.0  --ridge 0.00000000000001 --n_ensembles 2000"
python $DSET $MODEL -n 60 -r 10 -u 3 -o results/chen/rbfnet.csv
# 2. Plotting:
python results/chen/rbfnet.csv --tp pred --ymax 1.5 --plot_style ggplot

#5. Double-descent experiments with CE8 dataset

Next we show how different model classes can display double descent behaviour on this dataset.

Next we show the double descent both for one-step-ahead error (left) and for free-run simulation error (center), as well as the norm of the parameters (right). The baseline is the performance of a linear model.

One-step-ahead error Free-run simulation error Parameter Norm
# The above plots can be generated by:
# 1. Generating results
DSET="-d CoupledElectricalDrives --dset_choice unif"
MODEL="-m RBFSampler --gamma 0.2 --ridge 0.000001 --n_ensembles 2000"
python $DSET $MODEL -n 100 -r 10 -l '-2' -u 2 -o results/ce8/rbfsampler.csv  
# 2. Plotting:
python results/ce8/rbfsampler.csv --tp pred --ymax 0.2 --plot_style ggplot # left plot (<-) 
python results/ce8/rbfsampler.csv --tp sim --ymax 8.0 --plot_style ggplot  # center plot (<>) 
python results/ce8/rbfsampler.csv --tp norm --plot_style ggplot # right plot (->) 

#6. Nonlinear model - Random Forest

Next we show the double descent both for one-step-ahead error (left) and for free-run simulation error (right). The baseline is the performance of a linear model.

One-step-ahead error Free-run simulation error
ChenDSet / Random Forest ChenDSet / Random Forest
# The above plots can be generated by:
# 1. Generating resultsve plots can be generated by running:
DSET="-d ChenDSet --cutoff_freq 0.7 --hold 1 --num_train_samples 3000"
MODEL="-m RandomForest"
python $DSET $MODEL -n 100 -r 10 -o results/chen/randomforest.csv  
# 2. Plotting:
python results/chen/randomforest.csv --tp pred --ymax 0.8 --plot_style ggplot # left plot (<-)
python results/chen/randomforest.csv --tp sim --ymax 2.0 --plot_style ggplot # right plot (->)

Next, we show plots of the model free-run simulation in the test set in the interpolation and classical regions. More the best Random Forest in each region from all the runs above. This should help give a better sense of how the model perform on each point of the curve.

Before interpolation threshold (# features = 252 ) After interpolation threshold (# features = 20000 )
ChenDSet / Random Forest ChenDSet / Random Forest
# The above plots can be generated by running:
python $DSET $MODEL --n_features 600 --random_state 5  # left plot (<-)
python $DSET $MODEL --n_features 200000 --random_state 9  # right plot (->)

Additional Datasets and Model

We focused in giving the commands for reproducing the paper examples. There are, however, some datasets and models that were not explored in the paper and that were made available here (i.e., FullyConnectedNet, Order2LinearDSet).

The fully connected neural network model is implemented using PyTorch, and it allows the use of the GPU when it is available (make sure to install the PyTorch built with CUDA suport if you want to make use of this).


  • [1] Chen, S., Billings, S.A., and Grant, P.M. (1990). Non-Linear System Identification Using Neural Networks.International Journal of Control, 51(6), 11911214. doi:10/cg8bhx. 01127.
  • [2] Wigren, T. and Schoukens, M. (2017). Coupled electric drives data set and reference models. Technical Report. Uppsala Universitet, 2017