
Nēnē: A no-frills static site generator

MIT License


Nēnē: A no-frills static site generator

Do you love Pelican? Can't get enough of that Jekyll? Then Nēnē is probably not for you.

Static website generators seem to be the favourite pastime of developers procrastinating on other more important projects. So of course, I had to make my own!

When I say no-frills, I mean it. Nēnē has no built-in templates, no special provisions for blogging, plugins, or the sort of thing that would be useful if you just want to start a website. But it also tries to combine several nice features from other generators into something that will appeal to those who want to build their own templates.

Trivia: Nēnē continues the long tradition of naming static site generators built in Python after birds (the nēnē is a goose endemic to Hawai'i).


Install instructions and other information can be found in the preliminary documentation website (built with Nēnē, of course):

Looking for an example? Checkout these websites built with Nēnē:

WARNING: You probably want to pin Nēnē to a specific version since I will likely break compatibility between releases.


Nēnē is free and open-source software distributed under the MIT License.