
Based on the idea of Spotify : a concrete example to understand how graph databases work with Neo4j. The challenge is to create a music recommendation algorithm using a very large database of songs (Million Song Challenge Dataset) with an API to interact with (Symfony).


Neo4j Example : Spotifylike

Based on the idea of Spotify : a concrete example to understand how graph databases work, with Neo4j. The challenge is to create a music recommendation algorithm, using a very large database of songs (Million Song Dataset) with a graphical interface (Symfony).

Take the time to read what I wrote here so you will understand what you do.

Formatting the data for Neo4j

Datasets are a bunch of data in a certain form, but we have to convert them to match what Neo4j wants to ingest.

Dataset :

You can first download the data list of the songs. Then, extract it.

This will create a ./MillionSongSubset directory. This is a ressource allowing us to get the list of the titles of the songs, along with many (many) data such as the bitrates of the musics or the related artists of the artist who created the music.

Each data of a song is stored inside its .h5 file. This file format contains a folder and file tree containing data. Roughly speaking, these files contain batches of data in tables (as in Excel).

You can use the"HDFView" software to see what these files actually contain.

Processing the .h5 files :

1. Congregate all the files in a single directory.

The dataset downloaded previously comes with the .h5 files stored under multiple directories. We store everything in the same directory to make the following scripts easier to process.

The dataset provides the data of exactly 10 000 songs. To be sure everything is in there, execute :

2. Convert .h5 files in a ASCII format text file.

A Python script allows us to extract the data from the dataset, with the information we want (title, artists related, play time etc...). Execute to run the script that translate .h5 files to human-readable ASCII files.

Everything will be stored under ./tools/DATASET_PROCESS/ASCII_FILES/.

3. Convert ASCII format text file to JSON (and then CSV).

Neo4j allows to import CSV files. But as the first script outputs only a ASCII text file, we have to format it in JSON and then in CSV.

⚠️ This script is experimental. You might experience an invalid JSON file as some songs have no title or special characters.

Everything will be stored under ./tools/DATASET_PROCESS/JSON_FILES/.

This script as well concatenate the JSON files into a single file (in ./tools/DATASET_PROCESS/JSON_FILES/ALL_DATA_JSON.json) so we will easily convert it to CSV.

4. Convert JSON to CSV.

To convert the JSON we've outputed to CSV, we use an excellent website :


Click the "Browse" button, select ./ALL_DATA_JSON.json and click "Download".

Don't forget to add the file on your server with the name : ALL_DATA_CSV.csv.

5. Get the list of the artist IDs in a single CSV file.

Get these files we've compiled inside :

We've stepped into several problems while importing the csv data with our first algorithm. So to have a cleaner and slimmer import, we had to list the artists IDs in a single node to then link the similar artists of a music, to the music. Same thing for the genres.

Here are the steps to get the artist IDs:

Inside the downloaded song list directory : (by default ./MillionSongSubset/), is a file named ./MillionSongSubset/subset_artist_term.db. This file is a SQLite database file.

We've just browsed this database with the SQLite browser and used the function "export", selecting only the artist_id column.

Installing Neo4j

You can follow this official tutorial to install Neo4j for your Debian machine.

Configuration of Neo4j :

Inside /etc/neo4j/neo4j.conf :

Restart Neo4j :

Fill the database :

All the queries below are written in Cypher. Cypher is to Neo4j what SQL is to MySQL.

Access your browser instance of Neo4j with the following link. Replace localhost by your IP address if it is necessary.

Just before continuing, we have to increase the limit of 300 nodes display for Neo4j using this command in the Neo4j console : Change 1000 by the number you want. But careful : it may make your browser crash.

Import the artists_id.csv file.

Replace /home/user by the absolute file where you've cloned this git repository.

Import the genres.csv file.

Replace /home/user by the absolute file where you've cloned this git repository.

Linking artists' gender to artists.

For this, we will use the ./data/processed/artist_genre.csv file.

Replace /home/user by the absolute file where you've cloned this git repository.

Import the songs data.

Well, it is not just about importing the song list. The fact is that each music has a "similar_artists" property, which is really heavy and will overload our server for no reason. To fix this, we will use the Artist nodes, and add a relation : music OWNED_BY artist.

ℹ️ You might experience some problems while importing a large quantity of data. Use the following command at the beginning of the previous command to make it work. It will persist the data every 50 entity processed.

ℹ️ You might experience bugs of memory while importing the data. In /etc/neo4j/neo4j.conf, uncomment and modify the following line.