
[UNMAINTAINED] A terminal user interface for redshift

GPL-3.0 License


NAME nightshift - A terminal user interface for redshift


DESCRIPTION Terminal user interface for redshift, a program for setting the colour temperature of the display according to the time of day.

The goal of this project is to provide high capabilities
to redshift when it becomes a D-Bus services, and do so
with a nice terminal user interface and a command line
interface with a daemon running in the background.

OPTIONS -h, --help Display this help message.

-V, --version
	Show program version.

-C, --copyright
	Show program copyright information.

-W, --warranty
	Show program warrantly disclaimer.

-d, --daemon
	Start as daemon.

-x, --reset, --kill
	Remove adjustment from screen.

+x, --toggle
	Temporarily disable or enable adjustments.

+d, --disable
	Temporarily disable adjustments.

+e, --enable
	Re-enable adjustments.

+f, --freeze
	Temporarily freeze the redshift process.

+t, --thaw
	Thaw the redshift process.

-s, --status
	Print status information.

+c, --script FILE
	Load nightshift configuration script from
	specified file.

-c, --config FILE
	Load redshift settings from specified file.

-b, --brightness DAY:NIGHT
	Screen brightness to set at daytime/night.

-b, --brightness BRIGHTNESS
	Screen brightness to apply.

-t, --temperature DAY:NIGHT
	Colour temperature to set at daytime/night.

-t, --temperature TEMP
	Colour temperature to apply.

-l, --location LAT:LON
	Your current location.

-l, --location PROVIDER
	Select provider for automatic location updates.
	(Type `list' to see available providers.)

-m, --method METHOD
	Method to use to set colour temperature.
        (Type `list' to see available methods.)

-r, --no-transition
	Disable temperature transitions.

NOTES Apple is using the name of this project for there own alternative without my permission and with my express opposition.

SEE ALSO redshift(1), blueshift(1)