
Dockerized web application scaffold to get Flask projects up and running quickly, anywhere.



flask Starter App

A containerized docker scaffold for web applications using Flask.

Docker services

  • web (wsgi app and gunicorn)
  • nginx (pre-configured, https-ready reverse proxy to gunicorn)
  • redis (in-memory task broker for background jobs or cache)
  • worker (isolated container for background tasks)


  • secure forms (flask-wtf)
  • Database ORM (flask-sqlalchemy)
  • Database migrations (flask-migration)
  • Login, Logout, Register, password recovery (flask-login)
  • Error logging (email logs with flask-mail and rotating files)
  • Test suite (pytest)

Pre-configuration for Let's encrypt SSL/TLS certificate (Grade A on SSL labs)

How to Set Up

  1. Clone this repository

    git clone https://github.com/northernSage/flask-starter.git

  2. Install pre-commit hooks

    pre-commit install

  3. Tweak environment variables using the .env files inside envfiles directories in each service root (app and worker)

    Important: Do not forget to create and set a new SECRET_KEY value and set FLASK_ENV to "production" when deploying!

  4. Build and start containers in production or development mode

    docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml up --build


    docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml up --build

Obs. You can access the application by visiting the URI https://<host-machine-ip> at first (https://<host-machine-ip>:5000 for development mode), and later customize Nginx to your desired url format, hostname, port, etc.

  1. Open a command shell in your web container and apply migrations

    docker-compose -f .\docker-compose.dev/prod.yml exec web bash

    flask db upgrade

  2. Create a test user

    flask create-test-user

  3. Set your application repository as new remote so you can push changes to it

    git remote set-url origin <your-app-repo-url>

    git push -u origin master

You are all set, get coding! :)


In order to run tests, first open a command shell in the application container

docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev/prod.yml exec web bash

and execute the test suite


Aditional information:

flask create-test-user creates user appuser of password: appuser

Extracted from project README
pre-commit.ci status
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