
Push Notifications to a large number of supported services for NZBGet and SABnzbd (based on Apprise)

GPL-3.0 License


Notify Processing Script

Send notifications to all of the popular notification services (PushBullet, NotifyMyAndroid, XBMC, Email etc) from NZBGet or SABnzbd. You can chain as many notification services as you want and support most of the advance features each service offers you too. You can even run the tool from the command line for your own custom use.

Built on Apprise

This guts of this script have been recently extracted into it's own project called Apprise which allows others to build Notifications into their applications as well. Apprise was written in such a way that there wouldn't be a lot of effort to add more notification services either. Feel free to contact me if one you would like to use is missing.

Supported Notifications

For a complete list of supported notification services and examples on how to build their URLs click here.

Installation and usage instructions

  1. Ensure you have Python v2.7 or later installed onto your system.
# Pull in dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Simply place the and Notify directory together.
    • NZBGet users: you'll want to place these inside of your nzbget/scripts directory. Please ensure you are running (at least) NZBGet v11.0 or higher. You can acquire the latest version of of it from here.
    • NZBGet users: As one additional note; this script makes use of the RPC feature of NZBGet in order to retrive all of the status information it will notify you with. Its very important that this is configured correctly (in the 'Settings -> Security' area). The out of the box settings should work fine; but worth noting here should experience any issues.
    • SABnzbd users: You'll point your SABnzbd configuration to reference via the Script entry and not However, please note that the script is still required (as is a wrapper to it). You will use the Parameters section to provide the services you wish to notify (see below how they are constructed).

See the Command Line section below for more instructions on how to call the script from the command line.

SABnzbd Users

SABnzbd users can test that their script is working okay manually as well if they're having issues with it through their application. This is also a great way to test out that you've created the correct URL string.

# Send a notification to XBMC (assuming its listening on
# port 8080 at the ip with respect to the example
# below:
python complete 'Hello' 'World' xbmc://

The syntax is very similar except SABnzbd expects 4 distinct arguments.

Arg # Description
1 The type of notification we are sending. This has an impact on the icon (for those that support it) that you will pass along with the message.
2 The title of the notification message. If this is an empty string, then there is enough information based on the notification type you passed in (argument 1) to generate a title.
3 The message body.
4 Comma delimited URL strings just like the ones already discussed above.

SABnzbd Configuration

First, make sure you've placed,, and the Notify directory inside of the /path/to/SABnzbd/scripts/ directory or the instructions below will not work.

Once you know the URL(s) that work for you, you can set SABnzbd to automatically notify setting it up as follows. From within SABnzbd's web interface:

  • Click on Settings
  • Click on Notifications
  • Place a checkbox in the Enable notification script option.
  • Choose from the Script dropdown menu.
  • Specify the URL such as kodi:// in the Parameters section. You can specify more then one URL here by simply using a comma (,) as a delimiter.

CentOS/RedHat users can also refer to a blog entry I prepared for this which includes RPM packaging for both SABnzbd and NZB-Notify. These can be easily installed (with all required dependencies by just getting yourself set up with my repository here.

Command Line has a built in command line interface that can be easily tied to a cron entry or can be easily called from the command line to automate the fetching of subtitles.

Here are the switches available to you:

Usage: [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s URL(s), --servers=URL(s)
                        Specify 1 or more servers in their URL format ie:
  -t TITLE, --title=TITLE
                        Specify the title of the notification message.
  -b BODY, --body=BODY  Specify the body of the notification message.
  -i, --include_image   Include image in message if the protocol supports it.
  -u IMAGE_URL, --image_url=IMAGE_URL
                        Provide url to image; should be either http://,
                        https://, or file://. This option implies that
                        --include_image (-i) is set automatically
  -L FILE, --logfile=FILE
                        Send output to the specified logfile instead of
  -D, --debug           Debug Mode

Here is simple example:

# Send a notification to XBMC (assuming its listening on
# port 8080 at the ip with respect to the example
# below:
python -s xbmc:// -t "Hello" -b "World!"

# you can also use it's new name (kodi) to achive the same
# results:
python -s kodi:// -t "Hello" -b "World!"

You can also mix and match as many servers as you want by separating your urls with a comma and/or space.

# Send a notification to XBMC and a Growl Server
python \
    -s growl://,xbmc://user:[email protected] \
    -t "Hello" -b "World!"


If you like this script and feel like donating, you can do so through either PayPal or sponsor me! Thank you so much to everyone who has donated in the past!