
🧬 Here you'll find OOP exercises, exams, notes, and environment setup instructions relevant to the curriculum covered in class.

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🧬 Object Oriented Programming

Welcome to the Object Oriented Programming repository for the Analysis and Systems Development Program at Impacta Technology University - São Paulo - Brazil! Here you'll find exercises, exams, notes, and environment setup instructions relevant to the curriculum covered in class. Feel free to explore, contribute, and learn together with your peers.

😎 Happy coding!

< made with vibe, frequency & joy /> 🪬

👨‍💻 An Example of OOP Code

The code below provides a simple framework for managing different types of bank accounts, including savings and investment accounts, and allows for basic operations like deposits and withdrawals. The InvestmentAccount class extends the functionality of the base BankAccount class to handle specific investment-related actions.

🛠️ Additional options available in the development environment

  • Command to Install Flake8 in Your Development Environment

    py -m pip install flake8              # Windows
    python3 -m pip install flake8         # Linux and MacOS
  • Command to Install pep8-naming in Your Development Environment

    py -m pip install pep8-naming         # Windows
    python3 -m pip install pep8-naming    # Linux and MacOS
  • Set of Commands Adding Options to a JSON Configuration File

    "python.linting.pylintEnabled": false,
    "python.linting.flake8Enabled": true,
    "editor.renderWhitespace": "boundary",

🖥️ Creating a Virtual Environment on IOS and Ubintu - pip and venv

These commands help you manage Python dependencies by creating a virtual environment, saving installed packages to a file, and then installing those packages when needed.
  • List installed Python packages and their versions:

     pip freeze
  • Save the list of installed packages to a requirements.txt file:

     pip freeze > requirements.txt
  • Deactivate the current virtual environment:

  • Create a new virtual environment named .venv:

     python3 -m venv .venv
  • Activate the newly created virtual environment:

     source .venv/bin/activate
  • Install packages listed in the requirements.txt file:

     pip install -r requirements.txt

👨‍💻 Code for GitHub Actions

Code for a GitHub Actions workflow. It defines how to build and test a Python project.

@property class and its argunents

This docstring provides an explanation of the property class and its constructor, including the optional arguments fget, fset, fdel, and doc, along with descriptions of what each argument does.

🐍 OPP Codes

📚 Support Material Object Oriented Programming in Python

Copyright 2024 Fabiana Campanari. Code released under the Apache-2.0 license.
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