
Develop Odoo modules faster and with no Typing Errors.

MIT License



This extension works on VsCode and Neovim. This add code snippets for Odoo to help you to develop Odoo modules faster and with no Typing Errors on .

All snippets follow the OCA Maintainer Guidelines and are made to Odoo version 12.0+.



Launch Quick Open

  • Linux Ctrl+P
  • macOS ⌘P
  • Windows Ctrl+P

Paste the following command and press Enter:

ext install mstuttgart.odoo-snippets


This collection of snippets should work with any snippet engine that supports loading vscode snippets. Like for example:

Use your plugin manager of choice, e.g.

With Lazy.nvim

  event = "InsertEnter",

[!WARNING] If you're using LuaSnip make sure to use require("luasnip.loaders.from_vscode").lazy_load(), and add mstuttgart/vscode-odoo-snippets as a dependency for LuaSnip, otherwise snippets might not be detected. If you don't use lazy_load() you might notice a slower startup-time

   dependencies = { "mstuttgart/vscode-odoo-snippets" },
   config = function()

With Packer

use "rafamadriz/friendly-snippets"


This extension provide support to following languages (file extensions):

  • Python (.py)
  • XML (.xml)
  • CSV (.csv)

Use tab to navegate in snippet positions.

Below is a list of all available snippets.

Python Snippet Description
ipdb Import Python ipdb command
Odoo Snippet Description
oman Create Odoo Manifest
omod Create New Odoo Model
omodi Inherit Existing Odoo Model
owiz Create New Odoo wizard
owizi Inherit Existing Odoo wizard
omodt Create Test to Odoo Model
ofbin Add new field Binary
ofbool Add new field Boolean
ofchar Add new field Char
ofdate Add new field Date
oftime Add new field DateTime
offloat Add new field Float
ofhtml Add new field HTML
ofint Add new field Integer
oftxt Add new field Text
ofsel Add new field Selection
ofm2o Add new field Many2one
ofm2m Add new field Many2many
ofo2m Add new field One2many
omcreate Add a method create
omwrite Add a method write
omunlink Add a method unlink
omcomp Add a method compute
omchange Add a method onchange
ousercomp Add self.user.company_id snippets
oimp Add Odoo import snippets
oimpt Add Import to Odoo Tests snippets
oimper Add Import to Odoo Exceptions snippets
XML Snippet Description
odoo Create Odoo Tag
oform Create Form View
oformi Inherit Existing Form View
otree Create Tree View
otreei Inherit Existing Tree View
osearch Create Search View
osearchi Inherit Existing Search View
ograph Create Graph View
ographi Inherit Existing Graph View
opivot Create Pivot View
opivoti Inherit Existing Pivot View
okanban Create Kanban View
okanbani Inherit Existing Kanban View
ocalendar Create Calendar View
ocalendari Inherit Existing Calendar View
ogantt Create Gantt View
ogantti Inherit Existing Gantt View
oxpath Add the structure of xpath
oxpathattr Add the structure of xpath to attributes
oact Create new Action
onote Add notebook and page tags
opage Add new page tag
omenur Create New Menu Item in the Upper bar
omenuc Create New Menu Item for Categories
omenua Create New Menu Item for Actions
ocron Add a ir.cron record
obtn Add Odoo button
obtnbox Add Button Box on View
ogroup Add group tag on View
ofield Add Field on View
odata Add data tag on View
ochatter Add chatter tag on View
oaurl Create action.url tag
oaserver Create action.server tag
oaclient Create action.client tag
Qweb Snippet Description
oreport Create report record on View
otemplate Create template tag
otemplatei Create template inherit tag
otcall Add t-call tag on View
otforeach Add t-foreach tag on View
otif Add t-if tag on View
otelif Add t-elif tag on View
otifelse Add t-if-else tag on View
otraw Add t-raw tag on View
otesc Add t-esc tag on View
otset Add t-set tag on View
otfield Add t-field tag on View
otimg Add img tag with t-att-src attribute on View
CSVSnippet Description
ocolumns Create columns to access groups
odoo_access_entry Create entry to access groups


Please, see contributing guidelines here.

Release Notes

See changelog.


This snippets are based in odoo-pycharm-templates project.

Copyright (C) 2018-2024 by Michell Stuttgart