
MIT License



One file Chainer

About One-file Chainer

  • Core functionalities of Chainer are implemented in 1 file

  • Only Linear, ReLU, MeanSquaredError and SGD are available

  • You can run "mnist.py" to make sure that it can train a 3-layers perceptron for classifying MNIST

  • 1 hot feature:

    • You can switch all computations to GPU-mode by just replacing import numpy as xp with import cupy as xp found in the top of the file "chainer.py"

MNIST Training example

Run on CPU

  • Just run mnist.py
python mnist.py

Run on GPU

  • Replace import numpy as xp with import cupy as xp in chainer.py
  • Then, run mnist.py with an option --gpu 0
python mnist.py --gpu 0


"minimum.py" in this repository is another implementation example of 3-layers perceptron for MNIST. It contains

  • Linear
  • ReLU
  • Softmax cross entropy (grad)
  • Training code for MNIST
  • Accuracy calculation

in just 74 lines. ("chainer.py" have 205 lines)


python minimum.py