
MIT License


Bitcoin Onion Explorer

The explorer is implemented as an asyncio application in Python +3.7 with Quart and aiohttp.



Still lots of things to do, as this is the very early stage of the development. But issues, comments and testing is already being welcomed.

Testnet btc node

Install Bitcoin Core and run bitcoind in the testnet mode with some rpcuser and rpcpassword which are set here as bitcoinrpc and secretpassword222 as examples:

bitcoind -server -testnet -txindex=0 -prune=0 -rpcuser=bitcoinrpc -rpcpassword=secretpassword222

Setup .cookie for Bitcoin node RPC:

echo -n "bitcoinrpc:secretpassword222" > ~/bitcoin/testnet3/.cookie

If you change the above username:password, please edit config.py accordingly.

Bitcoin blockchain indexer

Build Blockstream/electrs:

sudo apt install clang cmake build-essential 
sudo apt install librocksdb-dev

git clone https://github.com/blockstream/electrs && cd electrs
git checkout new-index

cargo build --locked --release

Once built, run with:

./target/release/electrs -vvv --network testnet --timestamp --http-addr ""

once started have to wait till its fully synced with the node. The index will not accept any connections if its not in sync with the blockchain.

Onion Bitcoin blockchain explorer

Before the explorer can be used, the indexer must be fully synced with the node.

git clone https://github.com/moneroexamples/onion-bitcoin-blockchain-explorer.git
cd onion-bitcoin-blockchain-explorer

sudo apt install python3-pip python3-venv 
python -m venv venv
source ./venv/bin/activate

pip3 install pip --upgrade

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run it for development with:

env QUART_APP=app quart run

or for production with 2 workers:

hypercorn app -w 2

Other monero examples

Other examples can be found on github. Please know that some of the examples/repositories are not finished and may not work as intended.

How can you help?

Constructive criticism, code and website edits are always good. They can be made through Github.