
Convert ONNX models to plain C/ASM code



Generate plain C++ code for inference of ONNX models without dependencies

This project was made as an alternative to a final exam for the assignment "Computer Organization II". You can read the writeup in docs/TP Final onnx2code.pdf (in Spanish).

Model support

The following models have been tested and work as expected.

Model Size
mnist 26 KB
Super_Resolution 240 KB
squeezenet1.1 9 MB
emotion_ferplus 34 MB
inception-v2 44 MB
resnet50-caffe2-v1 98 MB
VGG 16 and VGG 16-bn 527 MB
VGG 19 and VGG 19-bn 548 MB
VGG 19-caffe2 561 MB
  • Minimum ONNX opset version: 7
  • Quantized models are not supported

Operator support

Only float data type is supported.

Operator Attribute support
Add, Div, Mul, Sub ✅ with broadcasting
Concat ✅ with multiple inputs✅ axis
Conv ✅ bias✅ stride✅ padding (and auto_pad)❌ dilations❌ depthwise (group != 1)
Sum ✅ with multiple inputs❌ with broadcasting
Relu, Tanh, Sigmoid, Clip
Gemm ✅ with bias❌ transpose A✅ tranpose B❌ alpha != 1❌ beta != 1
MaxPool, AveragePool ✅ stride✅ padding (and auto_pad)❌ dilations❌ storage_order != 0❌ count_include_pad != 0
Softmax ✅ stride✅ axis
Transpose ✅ perm

Setting up with Docker

We provide a ready to use Docker image:

docker run --rm -it -v $pwd/mnist.onnx:/app/input.onnx:ro -v $pwd/output:/app/output:rw mlomb/onnx2code:latest --variations=im2col,loop-tiling --checks=3

The command above will generate C++ code for the mnist.onnx model in the output folder.

Setting up locally


  • gcc (required if checking models)
  • Python 3.10
  • pipenv

Clone and install dependencies with pipenv install.


To generate code from an ONNX model, run the following command inside a pipenv shell:

python -m onnx2code --variation=im2col,loop-tiling mnist.onnx output_folder --checks=3
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