
📡 On-off keying tools for your SD-arrrR

MIT License


ooktools aims to help with the reverse engineering of on-off keying data sources such as wave files or raw frames captured using RfCat.


I recently played around a little with static key remotes, and wrote some code to help with the reverse engineering thereof.

major features

  • Binary string extraction from wave file recordings.
  • Wave file cleanups to remove noise in On-off keying recordings.
  • Graphing capabilities for wave files.
  • General information extraction of wave files.
  • Signal recording and playback using json definition files that can be shared.
  • Plotting of data from the previously mentioned json recordings.
  • Signal searching for On-off keying type data.
  • Sending signals in both binary, complete PWM formatted or hex strings using an RfCat dongle.
  • Gnuradio .grc template file generation.
  • Signal 'jammer' by continuously sending a loud, static signal.
  • Signal brute forcer that can iterate over a bitstring range.


You can install ooktools in two ways. Either from pip or from source. In case of a source installation, you may want to optionally consider installing it in a virtualenv.


In both installation cases, you need to install RfCat. This too can be done in two ways. On Kali Linux, you can install it with a simple apt command:

$ apt install rfcat

Or, if you need to manually install it, download the latest RfCat sources and run the setup.py script:

$ wget -c https://bitbucket.org/atlas0fd00m/rfcat/downloads/rfcat_150225.tgz
$ tar xjvf rfcat_150225.tgz
$ cd rfcat_150225
$ python setup.py install


Pip Package:

$ pip install ooktools

Using this method, you should have the ooktools command available globally.

From source:

$ git clone https://github.com/leonjza/ooktools.git
$ cd ooktools
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

If you installed from source then you can invoke ooktools with as a module using python -m ooktools.console from the directory you cloned to.


There are a number of sub commands that are grouped by major category. At anytime, add the --help argument to get a full description of any other sub commands and or arguments available.

$ ooktools --help
         _   _           _
 ___ ___| |_| |_ ___ ___| |___
| . | . | '_|  _| . | . | |_ -|
|___|___|_,_|_| |___|___|_|___| v0.1
On-off keying tools for your SD-arrrR

Usage: ooktools [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  gnuradio  GNU Radio Commands.
  signal    Signal Commands.
  wave      Wave File Commands.

For full examples, please refer to the blogpost here

known issues

Nothing is perfect I guess. One of the biggest problems would be test cases and variations. So, here is the stuff that I know is not 100% perfect. Pull requests welcome!

  • Wave file operations such as graph and clean break when the wave file is too long. ~50M samples seem to start hitting the point of breakage.
  • The matplotlib usage is silly from a performance perspective. Its the main reason I don't have live graphs in too as I just cant get it working great.


Please refer to the LICENSE file.