
OpenCV stereovision tuner for windows


Rakhmatulin, I.; Pomazov, E. Low-Cost Stereovision System (Disparity Map) For Few Dollars. Preprints 2021, 2021040282 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202104.0282.v1).

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OpenCV stereovision tuner for windows

1.GUI without calibration process - ""

Check number of your cameras: camera1 = cv2.VideoCapture(1) and camera2 = cv2.VideoCapture(2)

2. GUI withcalibration process

In the first need prepare image with a chessboard for calibration process and put these images in the folders "left" and "rights" - please change the code in the file, write your path for folders. Make images from 2 cameras by code - ""

After that run the code - ""

At the expense of computer vision, the position of the object in the X, Y plane is determined - based on which its ROI area is taken. Then we use stereo vision to compile a depth map and for a given ROI with the NumPy library tool - np.average we calculated the average value for the pixels of this area, which will allow us to calculate the distance to the object.

Example of chessboard process

Example of GUI

Device, but can be used any cameras